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D Collocations

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 577.

C Definitions

B Word search

A Synonyms

Vocabulary tasks

1. The word “employees” is used several times in the text. What other word is used that has a similar meaning? (para 3)

2. The phrase “to push something on someone” is used in line . What similar phrase is used earlier in the text? (para 6)

Find a word or phrase in the text that has a similar meaning.

1. agreement when a company buys another (para 1)



2. when a company fails (para 2)


3. something that is copied exactly (para 2)


4. something that can be seen and proved (para 3)


5. company that is famous in its industry (para 4)


6. being unreasonably confident (para 6)


7. agreement where both sides give up some of what they want (para 6)


8. in the same position or share the same ideas (para 7)


9. exchanging people or things (para 9)


Match these terms with their definitions.

1. virtually (line 5) 2. parking lots (line 8) 3. old-age pensioners (line 8) 4. chant (line 17) 5. widespread (line 19) 6. lead to the downfall (line 26) 7. incentivised (line 37) 8. elude (line 46) a. cause something to fail b. people of retirement age who no longer work c. almost all d. sing e. escape f. a place where cars are put g. motivated through money or other means h. available to lots of people  

Match these nouns as they occur together in the text.

1. IT 2. product 3. name 4. store 5. sales 6. share 7. middle 8. business a. ownership b. trip c. systems d. line e. management f. badges g. assistant h. manager

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C Understanding meanings | E Complete the sentence
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