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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 528.

C Complete the sentence

B Collocations

A Word search

Vocabulary tasks

Find a word or phrase from the text that has a similar meaning.

1. select and employ new people in a company (para 2)


2. give financial support to a student (para 2) s…………………

3. special vocabulary of a field of work (para 3)


4. making useful contacts with lots of people (para 5)

5. people who are ambitious to succeed in their job (para 7)
h………………… a…………………

6. neither for nor against something (para 12)


Match the verbs and nouns as they occur together in the text.


1. command 2. be 3. have 4. raise 5. undertake 6. establish 7. take 8. develop a. a profile b. an evaluation c. a middle-of-the-road approach d. respect e. the edge f. a career g. a reputation h. on the look out


Use an appropriate phrase from Exercise B to complete each sentence.

1.We are always …on the lookout… for talented people to join our creative team.

2.The success of its advertising campaign helped the business school …………………among international companies.

3 Because of our continued investment in research we ………………… over many of our competitors.

4 To help us choose which business school to work with we will need to ………………… of the top ten.

5 Studying for an MBA is increasingly necessary as a way to ………………… in a large organisation.

Find at least four examples in the article where a contrast is made. Note the word or phrase used to introduce the contrast, and say what is being contrasted, e.g. However, the company still prefers MBAs gained abroad (line ) - contrast between MBAs from abroad and MBAs from UK business schools.



Unit 11. Recruiting internationally

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