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B How the text is organised

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 999.

A Understanding main points

Reading tasks

1. Which of these statements gives the best summary of the text?

a. A global company needs to recruit globally.

b. The Internet will revolutionise the way new employees are recruited.

c. Engineering is the discipline of the Future.

2. Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text.
Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.

a. DaimlerChrysler is the largest employer in Baden-Wurttemburg. F

b. Daimler Chrysler employs more people in Baden-Wurttemburg than in other parts of Germany.

c. The company plans to increase its investment in research and development.

d. DaimlerChryslers' policy is to recruit engineers in Germany whenever possible.

e. DaimlerChrysler uses the Internet in its recruitment campaigns.

f. BMW is a more attractive company to work for.

g. Not enough students study engineering in Germany.

h. DaimlerChrysler is planning to set up its own technical university.

These phrases summarise the main idea of each paragraph. Match each phrase with the correct paragraph.

a. the need to recruit engineers globally to meet it's business targets

b. the lack of engineering graduates generally

c. DaimlerChrysler's position in the state of Baden-Wurttemburg paragraph 1

d. the need to compete with other companies to attract new recruits

e. DaimlerChrysler's business targets

f. use of the Internet for recruitment

g. DaimlerChrysler's plans to support private universities

h. another recruitment approach

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WHERE HAVE ALL THE ENGINEERS GONE? | C Complete the sentence
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