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B Understanding details

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 851.

A Understanding main points

Reading tasks


1. Which of these statements gives the best summary of the text?

a. Having expatriates in key positions is still important for international companies.

b. Using local managers rather than expatriates is now the objective of most companies.

c. Developing managers from around the world who share the company's values is essential for global success.

2. According to Lowell Bryan of McKinsey, how many international companies are not dominated by the culture of the home country - a lot, or just a few? What is the phrase he uses?

Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.

1. Few companies are genuinely global. T

2. The use of expatriates is growing at Unilever.

3. Corporate culture is more important than local needs in most areas of management.

4. Recruiting local managers is difficult for many organisations.

5. It is important to offer a career path for local managers.

6. Unilever manages people differently in different countries.

7. Many multinationals impose their British, French, German or US approach to business on all their subsidiaries.

8. Unilever believes it is difficult to have a consistent measure of management potential worldwide.

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PERSPECTIVE: THE MYTH OF THE GLOBAL EXECUTIVE | A Understanding main expressions
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