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D Word families

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 661.

C Definitions

B Complete the sentence

Use an appropriate word or phrase from Exercise A to complete each sentence.

1. Most ambitious young people want to join an organisation with a clear …career ladder…so they can see how their career will develop.

2. Socially responsible companies include business ethics in their …………………

3. A graduate who joins a large international company will probably have better ………………… than one who, joins a small family company.

4. The purpose of the annual meeting between a manager and his or her subordinates is to ………………… the subordinates' job performance.

5. Government organisations usually have a fixed ………………… which links pay to job grades.

Match these terms with their definitions.


1. rooted In their country of origin (line 4) 2. takes precedence (line 8) 3. a myth (line 14) 4. more open with (line 19) 5. where they stand (line 20) 6. a handful of companies (line 25) 7. “Americanising” the world (line 29)   a. something people believe but which is not true b.to be strongly influenced by your home culture c. to come first, to have priority d.to turn everything into a copy of America e. their position f. a small number g. give more information  

Complete the chart

verb globalize appraise 5. …………………. 7. …………………. 9. …………………. identify 13. ………………….   adjective global 1. …appraisal… consumer 6. …………………. transferable 10. …………………. 11. …………………. 14. …………………. noun globalisation 4. …………………. 5. …………………. corporation 8.…………………. success 12. …………………. measure


Unit 16. Routes to top management

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