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C Word searchDate: 2015-10-07; view: 435. B Words that seem similar A Synonyms Vocabulary tasks 1. The writer uses the phrase “trailing spouse” to describe the wife or husband of an expatriate executive. What other phrase is used in the article with the same meaning? 2.The text also refers to “overseas postings” (line 5). a. Find three other words in the article with a similar meaning to 'posting' b. Find two other words in the article that could replace the word 'overseas' in that phrase. 1. The words “cite” (line 29) and “site” (line 38) are pronounced in the same way but have completely different meanings. Match these definitions to the two words. a. mention or quote something b.put a building in a particular location 2. The money Shell spends on giving advice to expatriate couples at its spouse employment centre is very cost efficient (line 25). A similar expression is cost effective, but it has a slightly different meaning. Which of the following definitions fits the word efficient and which fits the word effective. a. producing the result that was wanted or intended b. working well without wasting time, money or energy Find a word or phrase in the text that has a similar meaning. 1. available employees from which you can select the ones you want (para 2) …pool of potential emploees… 2. going abroad to work for your company (para 2) o………………… p………………… 3. emphasise or stress an idea (para 2) u………………… 4. reject an offer of a job (para 2) t………………… d………………… 5. in all parts of the world (para 3) w………………… 6. pay money back to someone after they have spent their own money (paragraph 3) r………………… 7. giving financial support (para 4) f………………… 8. try to prevent something (para 5) t………………… p………………… a………………… 9.bring an executive back from an overseas posting, usually because of a problem (para 5) r………………… 10. something that makes it difficult to do something (para 7) o………………… 11. show you have strength and may use it to get what you want (para 8) f………………… your m………………… 12. try to persuade the government to do something or to change a policy (para 8) l…………………