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I – Interviewer, M B – Michael Bolen

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 505.

I – Interviewer, I R – Isabella Rosetti

Case study Slim gyms

I – Now let me ask you a question we ask all our candidates. Why should we hire you?

I R – Why hire me? Simple. I get along well with people. I'm used to dealing with

people from all walks of life. That's vital for this job. And I've got lots of ideas

for making Slim Gyms more profitable. Want to hear them?

I – Not just now, if you don't mind. We'll come back to that later. Um, about your

attendance record. Could you tell me why you've had quite a bit of time off?

I R – Hmm, you‘ve been talking to my boss, I see. Let's get this clear. I've taken a day

off now and then, true, but it's always to go to some family celebration – a

marriage, a christening, a family reunion sometimes.

I – Uh huh.

I R – Anyway, I've got a great assistant at work – she looks after things if I'm away.

It's no problem at all if I have a day off now and then.

I – Right. Can we look into the future now? I'm interested to know where you see

yourself in a few years?

I R – In a few years I suppose I see myself … um, working for your organization, running the whole business.

I – I hope you achieve that objective.


I – Right, a question now about your managerial skills. You're currently with a

sporting goods firm. Do you enjoy working on a team – with other managers?

M B – I enjoy working with colleagues a lot, especially when developing a project,

let's say, working on a new product. It's exciting, often tiring, you are working

long hours sometimes, but everyone's working together, to make a success of


I – So would you say you are a good team player?

M B – Definitely. But let me say this, I like to be on my own from time to time.

Especially if there is some problem to be worked out. I guess some people

would say I keep to myself too much, but it's not true really.

I – OK, let me follow that up. Um, I'd like to know what your colleagues would say

about you. How would they describe you?

M B – Huh, that's a difficult one. Mmm …, I think they'd say I know my own mind,

I'm a decisive person. Sometimes, you have to do things that you don't like,

for example, fire an employee. Well, if I have to do it, I do it, and then forget

about it.

I – What else would your colleagues say?

M B – They'd say that I am a friendly person, when I get to know people. Some of

them think I am too friendly.

I – Really?

M B – Well, you know, a few of the women in the company, they get a little jealous

because I take out my administrative assistant, Sue, from time to time, Give her

a nice lunch, you know, say thanks for all her hard work. Nothing wrong in that,

is there?


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P M – Personnel Manager, I – Interviewer | I – Interviewer, S G – Stephanie Grant
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