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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 459.


Part 1
Unit 1 How to Find a Great Place to Work
Unit 2 Take a Year Off
Unit 3 Become Your Own Boss
Unit 4 High-Tech Jobs for Low-Tech People
Unit 5 Create Your Own Good Fortune
Unit 6 Why Suffer Resume Angst?
Unit 7 Seven Deadly Interview Sins
Unit 8 Why Networking Isn't Sleazy
Part 2 Additional Texts for Reading
Text 1.1. Career Development Center Program
Text 1.2. The Work Experience That Really Pays Off
Text 2.1. The Academic Program At Liberal Arts College
Text 2.2. Student Diary
Text 2.3. How To Make Your Year Off Count
Text 3.1. Starting Your Own Business
Text 3.2. Buying Into The Domino's Effect
Text 3.3. Enterprise By The Book
Text 4.1. Bank On A Future As A City Trader
Text 4.2. Students Need To Be Made Aware Of The Importance Of Being Professional
Text 5.1. Schmooze And You Won't Loose
Text 5.2. Newsletter
Text 6.1. So Much To Do, So Little Time
Text 6.2. Finding Job In Britain
Text 7.1. Possible Interview Questions
Text 7.2. Interview Tips
Text 8.1. Be More Than Just A Typing Drudge
Text 8.2. Keep Your Eyes Peeled At All Times
Text 8.3. Why It Pays To Keep On Trucking
The Last Word
Used sources

In changing world finding the career that is right for you can be a real challenge. The textbook Managing Your Career has been designed to help the students to land a great job offer. It is a post-intermediate / advanced activity manual for students of English. The manual combines a strong reading and conversation syllabus with a contemporary approach to build students' confidence in their future careers. The emphasis is put on the natural language as it is used for communication.

Managing Your Career is made up of 2 parts, each consisting of 8 units. The materials in each unit are organized around themes such as how to find a really great place of work, how to explore less-traditional career options, how to become an entrepreneur, how to use liberal-arts skills in an electronic world, how to bring around good fortune, how to build a network, how to write a resume that grabs attention and how to shine at an interview. All the texts presented in the manual are part of the American and British cultural experience, where questions of building one's career have yielded a specific study. The texts focus on the experiences of many first-time job hunters and provide professional advice from the top hiring managers and can serve as a basis for thought, comparison and action.

Each unit starts with a pre-reading section which is designed as a brief lead into its theme. Then a reading section follows. It contains a vocabulary element with a strong emphasis on collocations and frequently used expressions. "Cultural notes" explain native to American culture concepts which may present difficulty to students. Further goes an extensive text, which, in order to make the manual more useful and comprehensive, is divided into 2 or 3 parts. The texts present different pieces of advice on managing students' careers. Each text is followed by a comprehension check which, as well as post-reading section, has been designed to motivate students' thinking, to personalize the language they are learning in the course, to help them learn more about themselves and, ultimately, to enter the working world full time and to stay on top of career and hiring trends.

The second part of the textbook presents texts which may be used either to clarify some concepts discussed in the first part or as the material for additional reading to develop and extend the knowledge. Using the Managing Your Career information, savvy students may be able to land a great job offer and manage their careers successfully.

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