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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 329.

Director of the National Portrait Gallery Sandy Nairne: “There are only really tree questions in an interview: why do your skills and experience match the job; what will you do with these skills and experience; and how the organization should be different.”

Scientist Dr Averil MacDonald: “It's only now at the age of 50 that I realize you have to prepare for an interview, and that it's not an ad hoc chat. You need to think about what questions you'll be asked and the questions you most fear being asked, and learn to stop talking and not witter on once you are answering them.”

Bespoke tailor Gresham Blake: “Do your research. I can't stand it when I say to someone ‘What do you think of our website?', and they haven't even looked at it! You need to be interested in the business, speak clearly and look presentable.”

Retailer William Asprey: “In any small business, people need to get on with other people, so you need to build up an idea of their character and if they'll fit in. You can't ask about someone's private life because of employment law, but I like an interviewee to be willing to tell me about themselves because that means the want to be part of a team.

Chief executive Mark Goldring: “It's all to do with the quality of the preparation and the flair of the presentation. You need to be exciting.”

Restaurateur Craig Sams: “Lean back, don't lean forward. Be relaxed and try to smile, practice this in front of the mirror. Anxiety creates tension and then you're not the person you would be if you had the job, so try to believe that you have the job already.”

Football boss Karren Brady: “I like people with knowledge. Roy Keane famously said: ‘Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.' I look for enthusiasm, determination and people who can articulate what they can offer.”

Deputy director of the British Museum Dr Andrew Burnett: “I was always taught to dress soberly but with bright socks, so there is a flash of colour as you cross the room. I did that once and was asked what on earth I was wearing on my feet. Apart from that, if you know the people interviewing you, then talk to the person you know least so that you are less likely to giggle.”

Chief executive Jacqueline Gold: “Do your research, and be prepared for anything. Get there early so you can sit down, relax and get a feeling for your environment.”

Hotel managing director Jonathan Slater: “If someone is in my office being interviewed then they can already do the job, so I look at attitude and how they will fit in.”

Public relations boss Adam Rutherford: “GFO online to research the company, its clients and what it's working on. Find out the standing of a brand or a pop star in the current market place. Have some key points in your head that you've rehearsed. If you say you have good interpersonal skills, give examples.”


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