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Asking for advice

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 411.



The Tutorial System is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities. Every student has a tutor and as soon as you come to Oxford one of the first things you do is to go and see your tutor. He, more or less, plans your work, suggests the books you should read and sets work for you to do, for example an essay to write. Each week you go to him in his rooms, perhaps with two or three other students, and he discusses with you the work that you have done, criticises in detail your essay and sets you the next week's work.

Professors at Oxford and Cambridge don't give a great many lectures. They are often appointed not as much to do teaching work as to carry on research in their particular subjects.

Oxford (like Cambridge) is a collection of colleges, each self-governing and independent. The colleges are the real living Oxford and each has its own character and individuality.

There are dozens of societies at Oxford: dramatic societies, language clubs, philosophy societies, rowing, boxing, political clubs of all colours, cinema clubs - clubs, in fact, for almost every activity under the sun. Each society arranges for a leading expert in his subject to come and talk to its members. So in term time you get a regular stream of politicians, poets, paint­ers, film-producers and so on. In a way I think we probably get more out of talking and listening at these clubs and societies than from any other side of university life. The best-known soci­ety, I suppose, is the Union, a debating club - a sort of train­ing ground for our future statesmen.

There ere also proctors, and the proctor's job is to keep discipline, to see that students aren't out after midnight, or aren't driving a car without having first received permission from the proctor.

Students can be fined a sum of money, or, for a very serious offence, they can be expelled... And the ‘bull-dogs' are to catch the student if he tries to run away before his name can be taken.



Say what kinds of work that you do in your classes you find:

a) the most difficult/the easiest;

b) the most enjoyable/the least enjoyable;
c) the most helpful/the least helpful;

d) stimulating/dull

Translate Into English:

1. Аня учится в институте уже полтора года.

2. Я собираюсь повторить некоторые темы к семинару по психологии.

3. У вас часто бывают контрольные работы?

4. Лена пропустила много замятий. Мне кажется, что она не сдаст эк­замены по английскому языку.

5. Витя готовится к экзамену по истории. Он повторяет учебник.

6. Ты писала конспект на прошлой лекции? - Да. - Одолжи мне его,
пожалуйста, я хочу его переписать.

7. Полезно делать записи, когда читаете книгу на иностранном языке.

8. Катя никогда не опаздывает на лекции. Она всегда приходит вовремя.

9. Как часто у вас бывают семинары по истории?

10. Узнайте, пожалуйста, когда начинается лекция.

11. Кто читает лекцию сегодня?

12. Кажется, я потерял конспекты по психологии. - Вот они. Ты забыла, что дала их мне вчера.

13. Сколько времени вы учите английский?

14. Андрей много работает над языком в этом семестре. Я думаю, что он сдаст экзамен успешно.

15. Ты говоришь слишком быстро, я не успеваю записывать.

16. Какой институт ты окончил?

17. Когда вы окончили школу?

18. Света сдавала экзамены в политехнический институт, но не была за­числена.

19. Вы пропустили много занятий и вам нелегко будет догнать группу.


Do you think I should ... ?

Ought I to ... ?

What should I do/ought I to do?

What would you advise?

Could you give me some advice on/about ... ?

What would you do (in my position)?

What would you do if you were me?

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

I would appreciate your advice on/about...

Could I ask for your advice?

Would you recommend...?

What would you recommend... ?


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