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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 549.


Having read the text below, say what one should remember to become a decisive person.

Role Plays.

Questions for Conversation (work in pairs)

1. Do you make up your mind quickly or are you one of the life's ditherers?

2. Have you ever had to make an important decision that had a long-term impact on your life?

3. At what age did you begin to take responsibility for yourself?

4. Have you got the so-called “gut feeling”? Has it ever helped you?

5. Do you agree that there is an element of chance in every decision?

6. Do you long feel upset if you make a wrong decision?


A. You and your group mate are invited to a birthday party. It is always so difficult to choose the right present. You have come to the biggest city department store to buy a birthday present for your friend. How will you do it? (use as many etiquette phrases as possible).

B. You are trying to persuade your friend to apply for a position in a big trade company. He is a very indecisive person and can't dare to come before the Administration Board, though he is the right man for the job: he is intelligent, professionally skilled, hardworking and punctual, he is honest and is easy-going (use as many etiquette phrases as possible).





to make choice

the right/wrong choice

to make up one's mind

to dither

a ditherer

a long-term impact on one's life



an adult

to take responsibility for the consequences

pros and cons

to seek advice from someone

to waste money/time

hard-earned money

a nightmare

to involve

gut feelings

to predict the future

to command respect

to drive someone mad

to lack something

to cause trouble

to make the best of something

to move out of one's home

to be keen on

to set a deadline/ to set a time limit

to stick to

to be a failure

to fail

to get a chance/an opportunity

a destination

to be panicked into something


Exercise1. Read the text and find English equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions:

1) брать на себя ответственность за что-либо

2) когда что-нибудь не ладится

3) передумать

4) аргументы «за» и «против»

5) чем важнее решение, тем страшнее ошибиться

6) швырять деньги «на ветер»

7) кошмар

8) «внутренний» голос

9) предсказывать будущее

10) полагаться на интуицию

11) сводить с ума, выводить из себя

12) установить лимит времени и придерживаться его

13) чем скорее вы примете решение, тем лучше

14) пункт назначения

15) делать выбор

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