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TRANSCRIPT ¹ 4Date: 2015-10-07; view: 397. KEYS TO REVISION TEST ¹ 4 I. 1M, 2A, 3B, 4G, 5C, 6D, 7E, 8F, 9H, 10I, 11J, 12L
2. 1 –to decrease, 2 –exit, 3 – stale bread, 4 – to do smth. in a hurry, 5 – productive, 7 – to gather, to unite, 7 – slow, 8 - inattentive
3. 1 essentials 2 crowded 3 to end up 4 to total 5 to speed the process up 4. 1 can't, 2 haven't been able to, 3 couldn't, 4 been able to, 5 be able to, 6 could, 7 couldn't, 8 were able to, 9 couldn't, 10 was able to 5. 1A, 2A, B, 3A, B, C, 4A, 5D
Maybe you have to give a presentation at a trade show. Or, you may need to describe your company's new product to industry leaders. You might be called upon to present your team's ideas to senior management. These days, giving presentations is an important part of many people's jobs. In order to give a memorable talk, presenters have to know some basic techniques. How do your presentation skills measure up? Know your audience.What do they want to hear? You must speak to your audience in a way that will make them understand you. They may not understand specialized language, so avoid technical jargon—unless, of course, the terminology is appropriate to the topic. Make constant eye contact. [§2] As a general rule, you should always look at one person as you speak. With each new thought, make eye contact with a different person. During your talk, then, you should meet the eyes of each person in the audience at least once. This technique can help you control your nerves and your pace. It will also help in keeping your audience involved in your presentation. Use engaging visuals.Graphs and other visual aids displaying charts and numbers are attractive and can be highly effective in getting your ideas across. However, they must be simple and easy to understand. From time to time, you should use silence, allowing your audience to digest the visuals. As you speak, keep making eye contact to direct the viewers' attention back to you. Don't talk to your slides—talk to your audience! Say it with feeling.You can easily come across as cold and boring if you deliver your presentation in a monotone. To get your audience's attention, you must project enthusiasm, energy and conviction. In order to achieve this, you could vary the volume of your voice, saying some words more loudly than others. You might also change the pitch: try speaking some words in a higher or lower tone of voice. This allows you to accentuate important phrases and give them meaning. Keep it short. Giving too much information can actually cause your audience to lose interest. You don't have to tell your listeners everything you know.
Remember: Always leave your audience wanting more!