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Beyond the lab

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 611.

Where do biology graduates go?

If you enjoy research but want to leave academia behind, then large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies could be a good option. Not only do these firms spend a lot of money on research and development, they also employ large numbers of graduates.

With the current focus on climate change and air, water and soil pollution, there are also many job opportunities for biologists in government, environment and pollution control, conservation authorities, which also have major research and development projects into technologies such as biodegradable devices, green technologies where biologists have a role to play.

If research is not for you but you still want to remain in touch with the scientific community, then you might want to consider science communication, usually in public relations or journalism. These jobs often require a Masters in science communication, although practical skills gained on university newspapers and magazines are also highly regarded. There are also opportunities in publishing for biologists who want to work as publishers or production editors of scientific journals.

Beyond science, biology graduates also often deal with politics and policy working with lawmakers to create new legislation on topics such as biomedical research and environmental protection. Many biologists choose a career in economics, business and industry to study and address the economic impacts of biological issues, such as species extinctions and forest protection, to work with drug companies and providers of scientific products and services, to research and test new products. Teaching also provides an opportunity for those with good communication skills to make a real impact. Although becoming a teacher is not for everyone, it can be a very creative profession, in which you can continuously improve your lessons with new material and keep up to date with the latest educational techniques.

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