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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 983.


      Soup is one of the world's most popular dishes. There are various types of thin soup, the first is being clear soup made from meat, poultry, fish or vegetables. Semi-clear soup has added in meat, vegetables or rice. Thick soups include those with starchy ingredients, such as like flour, pulses or potatoes. Cream soups are thickened with either butter, cream or egg yolks. The thickening agents produce a richer texture than for the soup as well as changing its colour. Soups are often improved by the addition of such a garnish, which improves the flavour or provides a contrasting texture. Pasta is used to garnish many of thin soups, while cheese goes on well with vegetable soups. To add colour to plain cream soup, a vegetable garnish is appropriate. Celery leaves, watercress or parsley look good on the top surface of the soup. Cucumber makes an attractive garnish for chilled soups. Soup provides you a tasty and nutritious dish with little of preparation.




Do you agree that food is as much a part of a country's culture as its landscape, language, and literature?

What do you think influences a country's food?

What influences the food in your country?

What is your opinion about English food?

What traditional British dishes can you name?


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