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A Dream homes

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1007.

Unit 3

Pp. 50-51

Texts p. 44

53. To look on the bright side   Positive thinking
54. Self-help Self-cultivation self-perfecting The use of one's own efforts and resources to achieve things without relying on others
55. Response to Reaction Something that is done as a reaction to something that has happened or been said
56. Attempt Endeavour, trial An act of trying to do something, especially something difficult
57. Competency Capability The ability to do something well
58. Staggering Breath-taking Astonishing Screaming Extremely great or surprising
59. Failure Misfortune Bad luck A lack of success in achieving or doing something
60. Personnel Staff workers People employed in an organization
61. To leave the idea To give up
62. Faint and dizzy Giddy To lose conscious, feeling unable to stand steadily
63. Bypass surgery Heart surgery An operation to direct blood through new veins outside the because veins in the heart are blocked or diseased
64. Angina Heart attack
65. To look on the bright side Positive thinking
66. Overwhelming evidence   More important than any other information
67. Anxiety Fair A feeling of worry, nervousness
68. Quake To shake, tremble  
69. Revolting Rebel Extremely unpleasant, causing intense disgust
70. Rioting Disorders When people behave in a violent and uncontrolled way
71. Averse Unwilling , disinclined Unwilling to do smth
72. Burden Responsible for  
73. Peers   People in the same way of age as you're
74. Piste   A snow-covered slope which has been prepared for people to ski down
75. Side-effects Under-action After-effects  
76. To handle To deal with  
77. To cope To be succeed in doing smth    
78. Smashed   Violently or badly broken or shattered


1. Cement- цементный

2. Foster-способствовать, содействовать, укреплять.

3. Encourage- Поощрять

4. Maintain- Поддерживать

5. Restore- Восстановить

6. Resume- Резюме

7. .break off- разорвать

8. cut off- срезать

9. Disrupt- подорвать

10. Endanger-подвергать опасности

11. Jeopardize- угрожать

12. Sour- Кислый

13. Undermine- подрывать

14. a hostile takeover -рейдерство

15. an underwriting agency-Страховое агентство

16. untapped potential-неиспользованный потенциал

17. long-standing presence-многолетнее присутствие

18. an unrestricted access-неограниченный доступ

19. a branch, affiliate, subsidiary-филиал

20. cancel/call off-отмена

21. . postpone/put off- откладывать

22. arrange/set up- настроить

23. disappoint/let down- разочаровать

24. transparent relationships- прозрачные отношения

25. restless customers-беспокойные покупатели

26. expand internationally-расширяться на международном уровне

27. an intermediary- посредник

28. to fade out- омертвить

29. a long warranty- долгая гарантия

30. joint venture-совместное предприятие

31. Shares-акции

32. a benchmark –контрольный показатель

33. headquarters- штаб-квартира

34. loyal customer base- лояльная клиентская база

35. meet deadline/miss deadline-уложиться\не уложиться в срок

36. . brand awareness-узнаваемость бренда



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