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Ex.14 Complete the following sentences so that they illustrate the meaning of the idiomatic expressions in Tony's letter.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 502.

Idiomatic expressions

Ex.13 Fill in the gaps below.

Ex.12 Listen and respond to the prompts.

Ex.11 Match the verbs in A with the definitions in B.

Ex.10 Now underline the multi-word verbs in the letter and try to work out what they mean.


1 to look through something a. to give someone accommodation
2 to come across someone/something b. to have a view of somewhere
3 to put up with someone/something с. to visit someone informally, to pay a casual visit
4 to move out (of somewhere) d. to match or suit to make a good combination (for example, of colours)
5 to brighten something up e. to read something quickly and briefly
6 to look (out) onto something f. to find something or meet someone by chance
7 to go with something g. to leave accommodation and take everything with you, to vacate a house or flat
8 to put someone up h. to make something brighter, less dull, and more full of light
9 to drop in (on someone) i. to tolerate something, to accept something unpleasant or difficult without complaining



I live __________ (a) my own __________ (b) the suburbs __________ (c) the outskirts of London. My flat is __________ (d) the second floor and it's __________ (e) good condition. It consists __________ (e) four rooms and is very convenient __________ (g) the shops. The bedroom looks out onto a garden, which I share __________ (h) four other people. I want to convert the bedroom __________ (i) a study. I found the flat __________ (j) an agency.




I thought the play was nothing out of the ordinary, but my friends thought it was great.


a. He really gets on my nerves. He is always . . .

b. I'm not on good terms with the people who live next door . . .

с. I'm fed up with my job because . . .

d. She was in two minds about accepting the job in America because . . .

e. She couldn't make up her mind about the party. On the one hand . . .


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Ex.9 Tony is a student. He has recently moved into his own flat. He wrote to his friend Paul to tell him about it. When you have read Tony's letter, answer the questions below. | Ex.17 Translate the sentences into English.
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