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Ex.34 Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 539.

Ex.33 a) Study the following phrases, translate them into Russian and use them in sentences of your own.




Convenient for sb to do sth,

at times,

(to stay) for good,

to worry about,

in the heart of,

to be home to sb,

to share sth with sb,

to share in the decision making,

to vote on sb/sth,

to vote for sb/sth,

responsibility for sth,

running of sth,

shortage of sth,

to be on the list,

at the top of the list,

common for sb to do sth,

to help sb with sth,

to help sb out,

on the island,

on one's own,

to be guilty of sth,

dangerous for sb to do sth,

danger of sth,

to be on one's way to somewhere,

good/bad reputation for sth


b) Consult your dictionary and find out the difference between the following prepositional phrases:


to vote on sb/sth – to vote for sb/sth



  1. When is a convenient time _______ you to meet?
  2. In the enforcement of his rules, he was ______ times rigid, and at times lax.
  3. Would someone take responsibility _____ bringing Paul home?
  4. I finally left home _____ good.
  5. They tried to repair it many times before they fixed it ___ good.
  6. Please don't worry _____ me. I'll be all right.
  7. They live ____ the heart ____ the city's medieval quarter.
  8. California is home _____ many vineyards.
  9. I share _____ this flat _____ five other people.
  10. The Council will vote _____ the proposal next Friday.
  11. _____ times, in front of the class, I get very nervous.
  12. I'm going to vote ____ Jackson.
  13. Overall responsibility _____ the school lies with the head teacher.
  14. The family is not involved in the day-to-day running _____the company.
  15. There is no shortage _____ funds.
  16. The first person _____ my list is Mrs Gilling.
  17. Don't worry _____ the bill. I'll pay it.
  18. A good car is ____ the top ____ my list of priorities.
  19. It is common ____ new fathers to feel jealous of the baby.
  20. Can I help ____ you ____ the washing up?
  21. Do you need anyone to help _____ in the shop?
  22. No cars are allowed _____ the island.
  23. I've been living _____ my own for four years now.
  24. I helped her ____ when Stella became ill.
  25. You can't expect him to do it all _____ his own.
  26. The jury found her guilty _____ murder.
  27. The ships were already ____ their way to the gulf.
  28. Some journalists are guilty _____ reporting scandal in order to sell papers.
  29. The danger _____ a fire in the home increases during the holidays.
  30. It's dangerous _____ a woman to walk alone at night.
  31. This hotel has a bad reputation _____ its food.


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