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What is common for all these words? Translate them into Russian.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 535.

Complete and translate the following sentences

Match the opposites.

Match the synonyms.

service life equipment
embankment resistance
facility life-cycle
stability fill


* Make sentences of your own using the words from this list.


(to) construct (to) direct away
(to) collect (to) weaken
(to) install (to) destroy
(to) strengthen (to) remove


* Make sentences of your own using the words from this list.


a) Some formations are built up between two high points to reduce grade changes. They are called (насыпи).

b) Embankments must be well (уплотнены) when they are built.

c) Some formations are dug out to reduce grade changes. They are called (выемки).

d) (Водоотводные канавы) need to be maintained to make sure that they operate effectively.

e) (Срок службы) of the permanent ES is about 80-100 years and for short-term ones – about 10-15 years.




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