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Islamic and Arabian states

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 377.

All suicide assassins were born in Arabian countries, mostly in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Although anti-Americanism is very common in those countries, and Osama Bin Laden is worshipped by wide parts of their population, many Arabian and Islamic governments joined the coalition against terror. While Turkey, the only NATO member with an almost entirely Muslim population, was always an important partner of the United States, other risky but very important countries like Pakistan could also be convinced by the U.S. government to support the USA in their war against terrorism. For their support in the Afghanistan War many Arabian countries were financially rewarded by the United States.

Under heavy pressure and in the face of financial pledges the Pakistani government, which had aided the Taliban before September 11, promised its cooperation only days after the attacks.

Pakistan did not just provide logistic help, basing and over flight permission for the United States and their allies, but also gathered many soldiers along the Afghan border in support of the war against terrorism. Pakistan also shared intelligence information about suspected terrorists and worked together with the FBI to catch suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban fugitives in the northern parts of Pakistan.

Although the mainstream Egyptian media (which is controlled by the government) spread rumours that an Israeli or Jewish conspiracy lay behind the terrorist attacks, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak condemned the attacks and provided over flight permission for allied jets taking part in "Operation Enduring Freedom". In the beginning of 2002 the USA, the European Union and the World Bank pledged more than $10 billion to help Egypt's battered economy.

NATO partner Turkey has not just provided over flight authorization for all U.S. and coalition jet fighters, but has five ships participating in "Operation Enduring Freedom" and took command of the ISAF in June 2002.

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