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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 408.


  1. to halt train and bus services
  2. to ground all flights and to direct all incoming international flights to Canada
  3. to upgrade its terrorism alert status to "delta"
  4. to affect the domestic and foreign policy
  5. to launch strikes against Bin Laden's training camps and Taliban facilities
  6. to allow law enforcement officials to wiretap phones
  7. to intercept and monitor electronic communications
  8. to survey financial, medical and student records
  9. to break into offices or homes without prior notification
  10. to deport or detain non-citizens without judicial appeal
  11. to participate in the impending war against terrorism
  12. to be a resistance network working against Soviet troops
  13. to diminish civil liberties and to enhance security laws
  14. to agree on the establishment of a European arrest warrant
  15. to build up a new policy on counterterrorism and arms control
  16. to be financially rewarded by the United States for the support in the Afghanistan War
  17. to be committed by suicide assassins without prior warnings


I. Answer the following questions to check how carefully you have read the texts:

1. Recreate the chronological order of the events on September 11, 2001

2. Which targets did the terrorists choose?

3. What was the reaction of the world?

4. What was the reaction of the USA?

5. What decision did Mr. Bush and his security advisors come to in Camp-David on

September 15, 2001?

6. Why was the war in Afganistan started?

7. What does “USA Patriot Act” mean?

8. What structural changes were made in CIA and FBI?

9. What did new anti-terrorist measures approved by German government lead to?

10. What are the main aims of German “Ratserfahndung”?

11. As a of 9/11 the European ministers of finance, secretaries of state and foreign secretaries met to decide on a strategy to avoid terrorist attacks in their own countries.

What were the consequences of this meeting ?

12. Did Russia take steps to help USA in combatting terrorism?

13. Did USA have allies in Islamic and Arabic states?

14. What is Al-Quaeda? What were initial goals of this organisation?

15. Who were the founders of Taliban regime and how did it come to power?

16. What does “Operation Enduring Freedom” mean?

17. What were the results of the invasion of the US troops to Afganistan?

II. Now decide whether the statement is true or false; correct those that are wrong:

1. The World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and Somerset Country near Pittsburgh were the main targets of terroristic attacks.

2. September 11 also assisted an initiative by the Mexican President and U.S. President to allow undocumented Mexican workers, who already were in the USA, to become legal residents.

3. The Justice and Home Affairs Council agreed to set up a European Arrest Warrant.

4. NATO partner Turkey has not provided over flight authorisation.

5. Eighty percent of cannabis production originates from Iran.

6. Northern Alliance's military leader Ahmad Shah Massoud was assassinated by Taliban


  1. A bomb attack in Kabul on September 5, 1999 and the following attempted murder on

President Ahmad Shah Massoud show that war in Afghanistan is not over.

  1. On September 24 President Bush signed an Executive Order freezing the assets of 27 organizations and persons known to be linked to al-Qaeda and suspected of funding terrorism.
  2. The terror network al-Qaeda was founded by Hosni Mubarak in the late eighties The Pentagon upgrades its terrorism alert status to "Alfa", the highest level possible.
  3. When the Afghanistan War started, Syria sent forces to Afghanistan and six frigates to the Gulf of Aden area.

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