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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 403.


1. to face long-term and large financial losses

2. to cut workplaces worldwide and to dismiss employees

3. to make profit from production of vaccines and antibiotics

4. potential bio terrorism threats like anthrax and smallpox

5. to accelerate the global economy's existing downward tendency

6. to limit serious immediate economic consequences of the attacks

7. to cancel their scheduled programs to concentrate on current events

8. to limit advertisements on TV to a minimum

9. to cancel ads containing airplanes or skyscrapers

10. to have a major effect on the confidence of travelers

11. to limit air traffic inside and into the United States

12. to be sharply restrained by the downturn of travelers

13. to report insolvency

14. the American tourism industry was hit very heavily

15. attendance nonetheless fell rapidly

I. Answer the following questions to check how carefully you have read the texts:

1. Which industries brought in more earnings after 9/11 and why?

2. What were the consequences of terrorist attacks for the world market?

3. How did radio stations and TV channels react?

4. Did the travel behavior change?

5. What were the major consequences of this change?

6. Which countries suffered from the decline of tourists?

7. What kind of books became the most readable and why?

8. Did U.S. politicians try to save American entertainment industry from insolvency?

9. What steps did they take?

10. Having analysed the consequences of 9/11, can we speak about global changes?


II. Now decide whether the statement is true or false; correct those that are wrong:

1. Tourism, leisure and insurance industries suffered most.

2. Companies producing security computer software were overloaded with orders.

3. Germany's target credit institution “Deutsche Bank” reported insolvency.

4. September 11 decreased the global economy's existing downward tendency.

5. In Europe among others interest rates were cut by the European Central Bank.

6. The serious immediate economic consequences of the attacks were limited by a carefully

considered and well-organised crisis management by business groups and governments.

7. Radio stations avoided broadcasting all songs.

8. Patriotic clothes like T-shirts printed with the “Star Spanngled Banner” or “I love NYC” were

bought by millions of people, especially in the United States.

9. For the first time in 30 years the number of tourists declined.

10. Although many hotels halved their prices, attendance fell rapidly.


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