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There are four main grjups of musical instruments: wind, string, percussion and keyboard.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 385. Musical instruments. Trumpet. I. Warm - up: a) What groups of musical instruments do you know? b) What groups of musical instruments do you like best of all? c) What musical instruments can you play?
II. Pronunciation guide. flute [flu:t] флейта guitar [gi`ta:] гитара piano[pjænəu] фортепиано drum [dr m] барабан violin [vaiə'lin] скрипка trumpet['tr mpit] труба organ [' :gən] орган trombone[trom'bəun] тромбон cornet['k :nit] корнет flugelhorn [ ] флюгельгорн piccolo trumpet [`pik l u] труба пиккало brass family [bra:s] семейство медных composer[kəm'pəuzə] композитор Baroque[bə'rkəu] барокко rhythmical['ri m kl] ритмический formula ['f :mjulə] формула chromatic [krəu'mætik] хроматический repertoire ['repətw :] репертуар inch [int ] дюйм aperture ['æpətjuə] отверстие tension [ten n] натяжение,напряжение semitones ['semitəun] полутоны articulation [a: tikjulit] артикуляция schema['ski:mə] схема tenure ['tenjuə] владение virtuosity[`və:tju'əsiti] виртуозность cornetto[`k :nitəu] рожок, корнет tessitura[tesitju:rə] тесситура
III. Read and write. Wind instruments make sounds with air. The flute and the trumpet are wind instruments.Sting instruments make sounds with sting. The guitar and the violin are string instruments.Keyboard instruments make sounds with a set of keys. The organ and the piano are keyboard instruments.Percussion instruments make sounds with you hit them. Drums and bells are percussion instruments. ( flute, guitar, piano, drums, violin, trumpet, organ, bell )
IV. Read and translate the text.
The trumpet is the musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments,[1] dating back to at least 1500 BCE. They are constructed of brass tubing bent twice into an oblong shape, and are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a "buzzing" sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the trumpet.There are several types of trumpet; the most common is a transposing instrument pitched in B♭ with a tubing length of about 134 cm. The predecessors to trumpets did not have valves, but modern trumpets generally have either three piston valves or three rotary valves. Each valve increases the length of tubing when engaged, thereby lowering the pitch.The trumpet is used in many forms of music, including classical music and jazz.A musician who plays the trumpet is called a trumpet player or trumpeter.