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A) WriteDate: 2015-10-07; view: 488. Solos The chromatic trumpet was first made in the late 18th century. The repertoire for the natural trumpet and cornetto is extensive. This music is commonly played on modern piccolo trumpets, although there are many highly proficient performers of the original instruments. This vast body of repertoire includes the music of Gabrieli, Monteverdi, Bach, Vivaldi and countless other composers. Because the overtone series doesn't allow stepwise movement until the upper register, the tessitura for this repertoire is very high. Joseph Haydn's Trumpet Concerto was one of the first for a chromatic trumpet,[19] a fact shown off by some stepwise melodies played low in the instrument's range. Johann Hummel wrote the other great Trumpet Concerto of the Classical period, and these two pieces are the cornerstone of the instrument's repertoire. Written as they were in the infancy of the chromatic trumpet, they reflect only a minor advancement of the trumpet's musical language, with the Hummel's being the more adventurous piece by far. In 1827, François Dauverné became the first musician to use the new F three valved trumpet in public performance. In the 20th century, trumpet repertoire expanded rapidly as composers embraced the almost completely untapped potential of the modern trumpet.
brass family -семейство медных инструментов bent (bend) [bend(t)] гнуться buzzing [b ziŋ] жужжание transpose [træn'spəuz] перемещать putch [pit ]разбивать valve [vælv] клапан length [leŋθ]длина, долгота lur [ ] salience ['seiliə(t)s] выпуклость bugle ['bju:gl] горн,рог guarded craft [ga:did kra:ft] охранное ремесло guild [gild]цех, гильдия; организация, союз rely[ri'lai] полагаться (на) coil [k il]свертывать(ся) кольцом, спирально crook [kruk] изгиб notably ['nəutəbli] исключительно, особенно vast [va:st]обширный revive [ri'vaiv]оживать, оживлять, восстанавливать thriving art [θraiviŋ a:t] процветающее искусство dubbed [d bd] дублированный relegate ['religeit]переводить в низшую категорию notwithhstandung [n twitstændiŋ] несмотря на, вопреки loftiness [`l ft:nəs] величественность distinguish [di'stiŋgwi ]различать, отличать degrade [di`greid] понижать, разжаловать unworthy [ n'w3: i] недостойный attempt [ə'tempt] попытка, покушение impetus ['impitəs] инерция, толчок, импульс tubular ['tju:bjələ] трубчатый shank [ æŋk]нога,г олень,ч ерепок, хвостик, средняя узкая часть consequence ['k nsikwəns]последствие, значение roughly ['r fli]неровно, грубо, приблизительно bore [b :]буравить, высверленное отверстие flare [fl ə]вспахивать,вспышка mellow ['meləu] мягкий, сочный, густой (о звуке) embouchure [ambu' uə] мундштук, амбушюр rim [rim] ободок, край pipe [paip] дудка, труба(трубка) timbre ['tæmbrə] тембр sloppy ['sl pi] неряшливый, небрежный hindered [`haindəd]задний, быть полихой substitute ['s bstitju:t]замститель, заменять simultaneously [siməl'teinjəsli]одновременно firmness ['f3:mnəs] стойкость, устойчивость parenthesis [pə'renθəsis] интермедиа, интервал equal ['i:kwəl] равный, равняться daring ['d əriŋ]смелость,отвага;смелый,отважный sophisticate [sə'fistikeit] предавать утонченность, изысканность distisnctive [di'stiŋktiv] отличительный, характерный subsequent ['s bsikwənt] последующий prominence ['pr minəns] выдающееся положение prolific [prə'lifik] плодовитый, плодородный peer [piə] пер. лорд; всматриваться infancy ['infənsi]младенчество expand [ik'spænd]расширяться, растягиваться
V. Answer the questions.
1.When did trumpet join to the orchestra? 2.What do you call a misician who plays the trumpet? 3.Named the famous trumpeters? 4.What do you use to plays the trumpet? 5.Which system does the usual trumpet have? 6.What is the piccolo trumpet? 7.Do you like a trumpet`s sound?
V. Writing.
Joaquin Rodrigo was s very famous Spanish musician and composer of classical music. He was an excellent pianist. He wasborn in Sagunto, near Valencia, in (1) . He married Victoria Kamhi, a Turkish pianist, in 1933. Their daughter Cecilia was born in (2) .Although he was blind, he was an extremelly successful musician. He started to study piano and violin when he was (3) years old. Rodrigo studied music in Valencia and in (4) .In 1925 his Cinco Piezas Infantiles won the Nationai Prize for Orchestra. Rodrigo composed his famous Concierto de Aranjuez in 1939 in Paris. It is a concerto for classical (5) and orchestra. His music is optimistic. In 1947 Rodrigo became a professor of music history t the Complutense University in Madrid.
b) Write and answer the questions.
1. When Joaquin Rodrigo die? 2. When he Victoria Kamhi? 3. When start to study piano and violin ? 4. Where music? 5. Where the Concierto de Aranjuez ?
с) Read the task and do it:
VI. Speaking. Give a short presentation about your favorite musical instruments. Then invite some pupils to playing musical instruments. Let`s make a little consert.