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Which, whom, that

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 420.

That, who, which


C Can you divide these sentences into three different groups according to the way the word that is used? How is it pronounced in each sentence?

1. He told me that he knew the answer. 2. The man that had snatched the handbag jumped onto the back of a motorbike. 3. Sebastian claimed that he was an expert on ancient Greek vases. 4. The train that had come off the rails was lifted by a crane. 5. That man is the President's bodyguard. 6. I have never been told that story before. 7. I didn't like that film very much. 8. It's the same story that we heard last week. 9. I'm afraid that we haven't got any more seed potatoes.  

D Can you divide these sentences into two groups? In which sentences can you use that instead of who or which? Note carefully the position of the commas.

1. The passengers who had missed their flight were given a meal at the airline's expense.

2. The cows which were suffering from foot-and-mouth disease had to be destroyed.

3. The tickets, which had been forged, were confiscated by the police.

4. The keys which had numberson werereturned to reception.

5. The museum, which is one of the richest in the world, is going to hold a special exhibition of the paintings of Amedeo Modigliani.

6. The man who was arrested refused to answer any questions.

E How many of these sentences can you improve by removing the word which, whom or that?

1. It's a picture of the hotel that we stayed at.

2. There's the lady whom we had lunch with last Wednesday.

3. Professor Williams is the scientist who discovered the new drug that we have been reading about.

4. It's the same fox that Farmer Giles shot at last month.

5. Is it the train that goes to Barcelona?

6. The girl that knew the answer put herhandup.

7. The man that we've been negotiating with has been replaced.

8. Thomas, whom we were discussing yesterday, is the ideal man for the job.

9. You can take any book that you like.

10. It was the best meal that I have ever eaten.

11. Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?

12. Her first novel, which she wrote when she was in her twenties, was her most successful work.

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