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Dr Faustus

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 497.


H Compare these three sentences. What does which refer to in each case?

He walked all the way, which was not very sensible and made his feet sore.

He gave me the book which he had just read.

He gave me the book, which was very kind of him.


How many of these sentences must have a comma?


1. He ate a whole chicken which was very greedy. 2. Tom stole a car which was very dishonest. 3. He showed me the painting which used to belong to his uncle.


Complete the following sentences.


4. Jim ran for three hours, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . 5. Martin promised to be there in time to help me prepare the food, …………………………………………………….. 6. The food was stone cold, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . 7. I didn't recognise him at all, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . 8. He succeeded in climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .  


Theme three: A Kind of Magic

A Listen to the story and choose the best answer to the following questions.

(Note: Dr Faustus is a play by Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593), first performed about 1588. It tells the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil. The same story is told, in rather different ways, by Goethe and Thomas Mann. Marlowe's play is frequently performed and is quite well known. One of its most famous lines is “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships” which Dr Faustus says when he sees Helen of Troy, whom the devil has conjured up at his request.)


1. At the beginning of the story, the speaker doesn't name the director because

A the director was young and inexperienced at that time.

B the director has since become famous.

C he still has to work with that director.

D he doesn't have a high opinion of the director.

2. Which is the best description of the location of the studio theatre?

A It was near the main theatre in a building of architectural significance.

B It was next to a luncheon club.

C It was between an art gallery and a restaurant.

D It was on the top floor of a three-storey building.

3. After the second dress rehearsal, what did the director persuade the actors to do?

A To go straight home.

B To think of some good ideas to improve the production.

C To try to summon up the devil.

D To spend some extra time rehearsing.

4. How did the speaker first find out that the theatre had burnt down?

A He saw what had happened.

B He saw a photograph in the localpaper.

C Someone called Frank told him.

DA woman told him.

5. How did the fire start?

AHot cinders set light to everything.

B A toasted sandwich burst into flames.

C The actors had left a burning candle in the theatre.

D A cooker had overheated.

6. What was unusual about the hole in the theatre floor?

A The firemen had made it.

B It prevented the play from taking place

C It was in the place the actors had placed a candle.

D It was a sign of diabolic intervention.



B Did you happen to see any magic shows of David Copperfield or any other conjurers? Were you impressed by their tricks?

In spite of a fondness for taxonomy within the literature of the profession, no universally accepted list of illusions defines the conjurer's art. S.H. Sharpe (1902–92) presented a representative classification of six basic effects. Can you match the effects in the table with their descriptions given below?


production disappearance transformation transposition the defiance of natural sciences mental phenomena


· the ace of spades is placed on top of a glass and the three of hearts under the glass, and the cards change places · a person is levitated and appears to float in the air · mind reading · a woman is covered with a cloth, and when the covering is whisked away the woman has vanished   · a dollar bill is changed into a hundred-dollar bill · a coin appears in a hand previously shown to be empty  


C What is magic: a universal art form, or a paranormal phenomenon?

Now read the article below and answer the questions which follow.

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