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C. Words connected with events in the arts

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1808.

B. Describing a performance

We went to see a new production of Hamlet last night. The sets (1) were incredibly realistic and the costumes (2) were wonderful. It was a good cast (3) and I thought the direction (4) was excellent. Anthony O'Donnell gave a marvellous performance (5). It got rave reviews (6) in the papers today.

(1) scenery, buildings, furniture on the stage or in a studio

(2) clothes the actors wear on stage

(3) all the actors in it

(4) the way the director had organised the performance

(5) and (6) note these typical collocations; (6) means 'got very enthusiastic comments'

There's an exhibition (Am. Eng.: exhibit) of paintings by Manet on in London.

They're going to publish a new edition of the works of Cervantes next year.

The Opera Society are doing a performance of Don Giovanni.

Our local cinema's showing Bergman's Persona next week.

Note: What's on at the cinema/theatre, etc. next week?

Task 2.Which branch of the arts do you think these people are talking about?

Example: 'It was a strong cast but the play itself is weak.' Theatre

1. 'It's called Peace. It stands in the main square.'

2. 'Animation doesn't have to be just Disney, you know.'

3. 'It was just pure movement, with very exciting rhythms.'

4. 'It doesn't have to rhyme to be good.'

5. 'Oils to me don't have the delicacy of water-colours.'

6. 'Her design for the new shopping centre won an award.'

7. 'I read them and imagine what they'd be like on stage.'

8. 'The first chapter was boring but it got better later.'

9. 'I was falling asleep by the second act.'

Task 3.Definite article or not? Fill the gap with the if necessary.

1. The government doesn't give enough money to ................ arts.

2. She's got a diploma in ................ dance from the Performing Arts Academy.

3. I've got some tickets for ................ ballet. Interested?

4. ................ art of writing a short story is to interest the reader from the very first line.

5. I can't stand ................ modern poetry; it's so pretentious.

6. I was no good at................ art at school. What about you?

Task 4.Each one of these sentences contains a mistake of usage of words connected with the arts. Find the mistake and correct it. You may need a dictionary.

Example: The scene at this theatre projects right out into the audience.

not 'scene but 'stage (the place where the actors perform)

1. What's the name of the editorial of that book you recommended? Was it Cambridge University Press?

2. 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' is my favourite verse of English poetry.

3. He's a very famous sculpture; he did that statue in the park, you know, the one with the soldiers.

4. Most of the novels in this collection are only five or six pages long. They're great for reading on short journeys.

5. There's an exposition of ceramics at the museum next week.

6. The sceneries are excellent in that new production of Macbeth, so dark and mysterious.

7. What's in the Opera House next week? Anything interesting?

Task 5.Ask questions for which these remarks would be suitable answers.

Example: It's an oil on canvas. What sort of painting is it?

1. Yes, it got rave reviews.

2. No, I'm not really a concert-goer, but thanks anyway.

3. Oh, some beautiful old buildings and some ugly new ones.

4. The cast were fine, but the direction was weak.

5. A new Hungarian film; fancy going to see it?


Task 6.Sort these words into three columns.

country and western fiction opera ceramics sculpture biography rock poetry painting ballet novel


performing arts literature fine arts
country and western

Task 7.Put the definite article the where it is necessary. Leave the gap blank if it is not necessary.

1. The government is increasing the amount of money it gives every year to ............... arts.

2. She was trained in ............... ballet and ............... modern dance.

3. We've got some tickets for ............... theatre. Would you like to come with us?

4. ............... art of writing a biography is to try to imagine the world in which the person lived.

5. I prefer ............... modern poetry; it's easier to read than the classics.

6. He was very good at............... art at school. Now he works as a book illustrator.

Task 8.Choose the correct answer of the choices underlined.

We went to see a new produce/production/producing of Romeo and Juliet last week. The sceneries/sights/sets were very atmospheric and realistic and the costumes/suits/dresses were wonderful, with a good persons/list/cast, and the actions/acting/acts was excellent. Cerise O'Donnell put/took/gave a marvellous performance/show/play. It did/took/got some brave/rave/crave recences/reprieves/reviews in the papers the day after.

Task 9.Answer the questions or fill in the gaps.

1. What's ....... ....... the opera house next week?

2. Our local cinema is .............. a James Bond film all this week.

3. Which of the arts are these associated with?

(a) a beautiful, hand-painted china vase.

(b) a newly-designed shopping centre.

(c) a water-colour.

4. Where in a newspaper would you look for a review of a new play?

5. What do we call a person who likes art very much?

6. NINA: I've just bought a new e............... of the complete works of Shakespeare.

BOB: Oh, yes. Who p............... it?

7. Have you seen the e.............. of paintings by Picasso in the City Gallery?

8. RORY: Who did that fabulous new piece of s............... in the main square?

FRAN: Oh, it's by a Norwegian s............... called Erik Fossberg.




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