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Assignment 8

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 631.

Assignment 7

Assignment 6

Assignment 5

Fill in the correct word or phrase from the list below. Use the words or phrases only once.

Successful; poor; small; large businesses;to survive; economy.

1) _____________ business

2) black ______________

3) ______________ management

4) ______________ grow from small ones

5) ______________ small companies

6) to fail ______________

Fill in the correct preposition.

1) _______ present

2) to invest money _______ R & D

3) to be well-known _______ expensive hi-fi equipment

4) to design _______ someone

5) to be proud _______ something

6) to do __________ Wilkin & Sons jams

7) about twice ____________ many

8) to be involved ____________ something

9) to replace _____________ exploration

Determine which of the following statementsare true and which are false. Put T or F in the emptyboxes. Rewrite false statements to make them true.

There are less people who work in service industries than in manufacturing industries in Britain.  
Because of various economic problems, retailing and banking could not develop at the end of the last century.  
The goods, which British small manufacturing companies make, are very expensive.  
Large companies do not invest money inR&D.  

Circle all the words that are appropriate in answering the questions.


What does Glaxo make? What does BP manufacture? What does the Morgan Motor Company produce?
élite cars high-quality loudspeakers petrochemical products new medicines hi-fi equipment petrol jams waterproof jackets élite cars high-quality loudspeakers petrochemical products new medicines hi-fi equipment petrol jams waterproof Jackets élite cars high-quality loudspeakers petrochemical products new medicines hi-fi equipment petrol jams waterproof jackets

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