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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals. Give Russian equivalents for the sentences.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 423.


Example:The seductiveeuphemism “regime change” is used in media instead of “war”.SEDUCTION

a. The Crown Office confirmed that indictment contained one charge of attempted _______________of perjury against Mr. Sheridan. SUBORN

b. An independent advisor has been brought in to ____________________critics between the two sides involved in the conflict. CONCILIATION

c. Syrian Interior Ministry announced that the Syrian people strongly reject and condemn any foreign____________________. INSTIGATING

d. David Cameron and Nick Clegg come in for some__________________, withering put –downs over university fees. ELOQUENCY

e. Members of the Security Council recall the fundamental principle of the ________________of diplomatic missions. INVIOLABLE

f. He also effectively used threats – explicit and implicit – as a tool of___________________. PERSUASIVENESS

g. Solitary _______________ has been transmuted from an occasional tool of discipline into a widespread form of preventive detention. CONFINED

h. The “Daily Telegraph” reports that the US economy is “being taken to the very edge of the abyss in _________of narrow electoral and ideological advantage”. PERSUED

i. The British National Party was criticized last year by the electoral watchdog for failing to keep a proper record of who was donating money to it – but it could not take any action at that stage as it lacked _________________ powers. SUFFICE

j. Solitary __________________ has been transmuted from occasional tool of discipline into a widespread form of preventive detention. CONFINED

k. Teachers must be allowed to exercise their own ____________________ in choosing suitable classroom materials. DISCRETIONARY

l. Only people with a high degree of ________________________ are employed by diplomatic institutions. SOPHISTICATED

14. Read the following explanations of phrasal verbs and idioms with the verbs GO and CARRY and complete the sentences. Give Russian equivalents for them.

a. go all out – to try, using a lot of energy and determination, to get or achieve something;

b. carry coals to Newcastle –

c. go easy on somebody – to deal with a person or situation in a way that is more pleasant than is usual or expected;

d. go for broke – to take big risks and use all your energy in order to try to achieve something;

e. go into a flat spin – to panic; to become mixed up

f. carry the can – to take the blame or responsibility for something that is wrong or has not succeeded;

g. have a go at somebody – to speak angrily to someone;

h. carry the day – to take advantage or win;

i. be on the go – to be very easy or working all the time;

j. go one better – to do something better or make a success;

k. to go Dutch – to share the cost of a meal in a restaurant or at a party;

l. carry a tune – to be able to sing accurately;

m. go down the drain (to go to the wall) – to become worthless or bankrupt, to lose all your money;

n. go up in the world – to get at the top of the social lather, to become very successful;


1.For such complicated song they should at least find someone who can __________________________.

2.Her argument in favor of pay increases eventually _________________________.

3.John ____________to finish the job and was very tired afterwards.

4.Exporting pine to Scandinavia is a bit like________________________________.

5.She agreed to have dinner in a restaurant as long as they would _______________.

6.The governor has made it clear that he is not in favor of __________drug dealers.

7.My catering firm is _______________________________because of competition.

8.Since Sarah married that rich tycoon she has certainly_______________________.

9.Rival firms reduced their prices, but we ______________by offering easy credit terms.

10.Millen's new line of suits are ideal for career women_______________________.

11.Don't ____________________________me – it's your fault we lost the contract.

12.The team was aware that we needed to make changes, so we________________.

13.I always had to __________________ for my friend when he missed the lessons.

14.When I found that all my money had been stolen, I ________________ and lost all control of what I was saying or doing.


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VOCABULARY PRACTICE | Re - read the text and find English equivalents for the following words and phrases
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