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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 743.


Foreigner: What is characteristic of the Russian banking system these days?

Russian: The banking system in Russia is organized as a 2-tier system. The first tier is represented by the Central Bank of Russia. The second tier consists of commercial banks as well as branches and representations of foreign banks.

F.: Has the CBR supported the economic and financial transformation of the country, the ongoing reforms?

R.: Definitely. By implementing monetary policy the CBR has contributed to controlling the money supply and combating inflation.

F.: The interest rate policy has become more dynamic, hasn't it?

R.: Yes, the CBR has introduced lombard and REPO operations, created a new system of refinancing commercial banks and reduced the share of special-purpose credits.

F.: So, now your commercial banks get credits through auctions and other market mechanisms. Is the CBR involved in open-market operations?

R.: Yes, our Central Bank acts in the primary market, attracting financial resources to cover the state budget deficit by non-inflationary means.

F.: Since 11993 the financial sector has been developing fast. Have the changes in your banking system affected the position of the Central Bank?

R.: The CBR is strengthening its role in regulating banking activities. As elsewhere, the CBR of Russia guarantees the stability of the national currency and the banking system. It supervises the activities of commercial banks, issues and withdraws licenses for performing banking operations, etc.

F.: Now that you've mentioned stability of the banking system, I think it's the most important function of the CBR, particularly in the light of recent bankruptcies.

R.: You are right. To achieve this, some measures are being worked out to make banks increase3 the minimum size of authorized capital to correspond to the international standards.

F.: I'm sure these measures include provisions about reserves for possible losses on loans and securities.

R.: They do. The banking system is developing.

F.: What about the legal base? Is it adequate?

R.: More or less. The Law on Banking adopted in 1996 specifies rules for banking activities, for example, types of operations, operations with hard currency, etc.

F.: So, foreign banks can be set up and can operate in Russia, can't they?

R.: They can have branches and representation offices.

F.: Your banking system has made tremendous progress. How will it be developing in the future?

R.: Our experts have prepared drafts of laws which must give a further boost to the development of the banking system. I mean laws on hypothecation, on obligatory insurance of bank deposits and bank bankruptcy.

F.: Your Central bank is exempt from taxes. And what tax treatment is applied to your commercial banks? What taxes are paid by commercial banks?

R: Tax on profit, tax on property, tax on income from securities and charges to the Pension Fund, to list the main.4

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