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Students B, C

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 631.

Student A



You're the only child in the family, you feel lonely and unhappy as nobody in your family wants to play with you – they are too busy. You have a dream of buying a dog which would make a real friend, and which would protect you on the playground. But your parents are strongly against this idea: "Who's going to look after it?" Try to reason with your stubborn mother and father and explain that you DO need a dog.


Your ten-year-old daughter is driving you to desperation: she wants to have a St. Bernard dog. It's very inconvenient for you, as dogs shed hair, they can spoil furniture and carpets, they eat a' lot, need walking; they have fleas, they bark, breed, they are expensive to keep. Worse still, you heard quite a lot about the dangers associated with dogs. Dissuade your foolish child from buying a dog.


Act out a conversation between family members discussing how to spend their weekend together. You have three options: the circus, the zoo and the horse-races. One of you wants to visit the circus, another one – the horse-races, and the child would naturally be happy to visit every place and see everything. Where would you go? Give your reasons.




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