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C) Use the above expressions in situations based on the book.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 533.

Exercise 2. a) Paraphrase:

1. My wife says that she just willed herself to die. 2. ...Mr. Kips advanced with his hand held out... 3. My Turkish is more rusty than my Spanish... 4. 7would rather you did it yourself,' Mr. Kips said. 5. It was the first Christmas we had ever had together, and we celebrated it with all the trimmings.

b) Translate into Russian:

1. And suddenly I realized who it was who stood there... old and
humble with no fight in him - there never had been any fight in him.

2. 'What's wrong?' Anna-Luise asked, leaving the turnable of cassettes. 3. He as good as killed her... 4. He said with a touch of anger... 5. The final destination of the weapons - all small arms -was very unclear. 6. A great deal of political as well as financial laundering goes on in that little harmless state.

c) Comment or explain:

1. I found him in the hospital above Vevey where a notice welcomes a new patient or an anxious visitor with a direction to the Centre Funeraire. (p. 50) 2. 'I sometimes wonder what he's thinking. Of the long voyage ahead of him perhaps.' - 'I was afraid in the shop that you'd embarked on that voyage too.' 3. There was no future in it for her. There wasn't much future for her anyway as it turned out. 4. We were neither of us Roman Catholics, but this was the universal feast of childhood.

Exercise 3. Get ready to answer the questions:

1. Why did Mr. Jones feel that he had never been so happy in his life? Why did his dream affect him so much? Why did he think that he had been too hard to Dr. Fischer? What did Anna-Luise mean when
she said: "It's like when you find an end of wool on a sweater. You pull at it and you begin to unravel the whole sweater"?

2. What brought the Joneses to a music shop? Who did they meet there? What made them understand who the man was?

3. What did Mr. Steiner tell Mr. Jones about his relations with Anna-Luise's mother? How did Dr. Fischer come to know about them? Why did Mr. Steiner believe that Dr. Fischer had as good as killed his wife?

4. What did Mr. Kips need Mr. Jones for? What was the effect of Mr. Kips' words when he explained that Mr. Jones was related to Dr. Fischer? Why did Mr. Kips stress that the matter was confidential? What did he tell Mr. Jones about Dr. Fischer's parties?

5. How did the Joneses spend Christmas night? Who did they meet in the church? Why did M. Belmont hand them a card instead of sending it by post? What brought all the Toads to the old abbey at Saint Maurice?

6. What did Anna-Luise think about the development of a soul? Which of the Toads , in her opinion, had souls and which had none? How did she explain it?



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