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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 828.



  • Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage.
date approve mature attracted romantic
keen break off go out relationship drift apart


Ann was a very (a) ____________ girl who often dreamed of love and marriage. She was especially (b) ____________ to a young man called Michael, who worked in the same office as she did, and he was very (c) ____________ on her too. They became friendly and one day Michael asked her to go out with him. Their first (d) ____________ was a visit to the cinema, and they both enjoyed the evening so much that they decided to (e) ____________ together regularly. Michael was a bit untidy and rather young, and Ann's parents didn't (f) ____________ of him at first, but Ann was a sensible, (g) _____________ girl and they had confidence in her. For a year or so everything went well, but then somehow they slowly began to (h) ___________, until finally they decided to (i) ______________ their (j) _____________.



  • Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage.


bride engaged bridegroom consent wedding
civil reception honeymoon propose toast


One evening, although he was nervous, Joe decided to (a) _____________ to his girlfriend, Linda. She accepted his proposal, they became (b) _____________ and he gave her a ring. After a year they had saved enough money to get married (they were both over 18 so they didn't need their parents' (c) ____________ ). Some people have a religious ceremony with a priest, but Joe and Linda decided on a (d) ______________ ceremony in a registry office. On the day of the (e) ______________ Linda, the (f) _____________, was very calm, but Joe, the (g) _______________, was very nervous. Afterwards, at the (h) ______________, speeches were made and the guests drank a (i) _______________ to the happy couple, who finally left for a (j) _______________ in Spain.



  • Put one of the following words in each space in the sentences below.
in with out to of
  1. Bob and Leanne are going _______ together.
  2. Bob is going _______ _______ Leanne.
  3. He was too nervous to ask her _______.
  4. She's very fond _______ him.
  5. We drank a toast _______ their future happiness.
  6. He fell _______ love _______ her at once.
  7. He's getting married _______ Liz next month.
  8. She's engaged _______ a policeman.
  9. His parents don't approve _______her.
  10. Have confidence _______ me!




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