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Write an annotation to the text.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 542.

When choosing a future career it is important to keep in the consideration the following things. Think over what you would enjoy at work. Analyzing all this will help not to make wrong choice.

B) Match the features of character from the text with their translations. Which of them fit you?

A) Fill in the words from the list.

Find in the text the equivalents to the following words and phrases.

принимать во внимание различные факторы; думать о планах на будущее; должна удовлетворять тебя; я решил, что мне делать; выбрать наиболее подходящую карьеру; поддерживать семью; способность к работе с цифрами; быстрый по природе; зависит от тебя; успех этой профессии зависит от; найти стоящую работу; я хочу поступить в; иметь большую зарплату / хорошо оплачиваемую работу.

difficult, suitable, well-paid, good, high, worthy, suitable

1. ………….. carrier 5. …………….. job

2. ………….. task 6. …………….. job

3. ………….. conditions 7. …………….. job

4. ………….. salary

· energetic · communicative · enterprise · talkative · creative · quick · adventurous · inventive · enthusiastic · изобретательный · энергичный · быстрый · полный энтузиазма · предприимчивый · творческий · общительный · рискованный · разговорчивый

7. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is the most difficult problem for a young person? Why?

2. What factors should you take in account choosing a job?

3. What did the author want to do in the past and why? What did you want earlier?

4. What does he want to do now?

5. What role does education play by finding the job?

6. What should one do to qualify for a particular job?

7. What are author's plans for the future? And yours?

  • do you like meeting and dealing with people;
  • do you like to work inside;
  • do you enjoy thinking about problems;
  • do you enjoy working with your hands;
  • do you like working on you own;
  • do you enjoy being creative.



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My future career | B) Complete the sentences with phrases from 1a.
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