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Listen to an interview between a restaurant manager and a student. Then complete the Employee Interview Form if you are the interviewer who asks questions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 2826.

Match the phrases from two columns and act them out in pairs. Use your own ideas for replies.


· I've got to go. Ìíå íóæíî èäòè.

· I'll keep it in mind. ß áóäó èìåòü ýòî â âèäó.

· As far as I know… Íàñêîëüêî ÿ çíàþ ….

· I doubt it. ß â ýòî ñîìíåâàþñü.

· Your time is up. Òâîå âðåìÿ èñòåêëî.

· Will do. Ñäåëàþ!

· I my opinion…. Ïî ìîåìó ìíåíèþ …

· It doesn't matter. Ýòî íå èìååò çíà÷åíèÿ.

· I don't mind ß íå âîçðàæàþ.

· Are you sure? Òû óâåðåí?


*I've got to go. * Where was Mary yesterday? * What is the point of the text? * Your time is up. * You will get a good mark! * Will you buy some bread, please. * Oh, I'm so sorry! * Here is her phone number. * I have to read lots of texts in English. * Are you sure? * Collect the copy books. * It doesn't matter. * I'll keep it in mind.… * As far as I know she was at home. * I doubt it. * Yes, absolutely. * Will do. * Nothing doing. * I my opinion, it is about the education in Russia. * I have much to do.


Welcome to the Happy Chicken!

Kevin: Come in! … Hello, yes … take a seat. Now, are you … ?

Tom: Tom … Tom Baker.

Kevin: Tom Baker. Ok. My name is Kevin Bird, Tom, and I'm going to interview you today.

Tom: Hi!

Kevin: Now then, how old are you, Tom?

Tom: Nineteen.

Kevin: OK. And what job are you applying for?

Tom: Waiter. Just a normal waiter.

Kevin: OK. Now we have two shifts, that's seven to three or three to eleven in the evening. Do you have any preference?

Tom: No, I don't mind. But I can only work Saturday and Sunday.

Kevin: That's OK, Tom. Saturday and Sunday are our busiest days! Are you available from next Saturday?

Tom: Sure! That's the eighteenth, right?

Kevin: Yes, Saturday the eighteenth. Great. But first can you tell me if you have any experience? Our standards are pretty high here at the Happy Chicken.

Tom: Well, last summer I worked for MacDonald's … for three months.

Kevin: Right. How about as a waiter, though?

Tom: Oh, I worked over New Year in a local restaurant near my parents' home.

Kevin: Oh yes? And did you enjoy it?

Tom: Sure, it was OK. I speak Spanish and there were lots of Spanish tourists, so I got good tips!

Kevin: Great! So you speak Spanish. Excellent. Well, there are still some other candidates so can you just give me your phone number and I'll be in touch?

Tom: Yes, it's 559304.

Kevin: 559304. OK! Oh! When is the best time to contact you?

Tom: Evenings, between five and eight, I think.

Kevin: Fine. Well, thanks very much for coming, Tom. See you again!

Tom: Thank you, Mr. Bird.

Kevin: Call me Kevin!

Tom: Oh, thanks. Bye then.


have two shifts –èìåòü äâå ñìåíû

have any preference- èìåòü êàêèå-íèáóäü ïðåäïî÷òåíèÿ

be available- áûòü äîñòóïíûì

have any experience- èìåòü îïûò

Excellent, Great- áëåñòÿùå, êëàññíî

Happy Chicken Restaurant Group Employee Interview Form Interviewer:…………………………………………………………………………… Name: ………………………………………………………………………. Age: ………………………………………………………………………… Job wanted: ………………………………………………………………… Shift preferred: 7am-3pm / 3pm-11pm / any No. of days per week wanted: ……………………………………………… Start date: ………………………………………………………………….. Experience: …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Other details: …………………………………………………………………………………………. Contact phone no: ………………………………………………………. Best tome to contact: ……………………………………………………  

26. Read the dialog, and then act it out.


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