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III. Comprehension check.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 375.


1. Give the Ukrainian for:

to be inspired by smb.; secure and loving homes; exercises in drawing, writing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and reading; immediate, distant, remote, properly stimulating, environment; to emphasize the needs and potentials of the child; influential progressive educators; to work with mentally handicapped children; to serve a meal; to tie and button clothing; to practise basic social manners; to lecture on the educational method; to decline in popularity; to increase access to education; nursery schools and kindergartens; schools with some slant; to result in theses; vocational training school; higher educational establishments.

2. Give the English for:

складати фундамент сучасної освіти; вивчати об'єкти (речі) в навколишньому середовищі; вправи на вивчення форми, числа та мови; навчання з раннього дитинства; оволодівати навичками; віддавати перевагу праці; знайомити дітей з практичною діяльністю; накривати на стіл; розвивати сенсорну та мускульну координацію; нав'язувати загальний курс, прийняти рішення; відповідати стандартам; обов'язкові та факультативні предмети; громадська діяльність; присуджувати ступінь кандидата або доктора наук.


3. Which of the statements are true and which are false.

1. The foundations of modern education were established in the 19th century.

2. Swiss educator J.H. Pestalozzi was inspired by the work of French philosopher Didro.

3. Pestalozzi believed that teaching should begin with the abstract concepts before introducing the concrete objects and deal first with the remote rather than the immediate environment.

4. German philosopher J. Herbart emphasized moral education and designed a highly structured teaching technique.

5. At the beginning of the 20th century progressive system of education emphasized the needs of society and the principles of religion rather than the needs and potentials of the child.

6. M. Montessori's teaching methods were so effective that they could be used to educate not only mentally handicapped but all children.

7. M. Montessori designed special teaching materials to develop formal skills and materials identifiable by their sound and smell.

8. Pre-school education is compulsory in Ukraine.

9. Secondary education in Ukraine includes 3 stages: primary, basic and senior.

10. Post graduate education begins after the last year of studies at higher school.

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