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Memorize the following words and expressions

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 445.

Read the following words and notice their pronunciation.

Read the following words and expressions and try to guess their meaning.


Text B

Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is an IC?

2. What material is the substrate of IC made of?

3. How were transistors assembled earlier?

4. What ensured the rapid adoption of ICs?

5. What are the main advantages of ICs over discrete circuits?

6. Why is the performance of IC high?

7. How many transistors were used in SSI?

8. How is an IC with tens of thousands of transistors per chip called ?

9. How are the layers of active components integrated in 3D-ICs?

10.What does modern computing depend on?

Pretext exercises



Communication, aeroplane, mobile phone, service, system, control base station, message, relay, controller, fixed, type, limit, user, network, portable, transmit, call, hexogonal-shaped cell, channel, interference, output power, cluster, car park, permanently, select, register, position, signal, contact, check, tune, constantly, monitor, prevent, reduce, test, switch, silence.



emergency [I`mWGqnsI] interference [`IntqF`fIqrqns]
available [q`veIlqbl] compromise [`kOmprqmaIz]
lightweight [`laItweIt] permanently [`pWmqnqntlI]
portable [`pLtqbl] automatically [`Ltq`mxtIkqlI]
cellular [`seljulq] neighbouring [`neIbqrIN]


emergency service аварийная служба to vary меняться, разнообразить
to relay передавать interference интерференция, взаимное влияние, помехи
within в пределах, в рамках to depend on зависеть от
lack недостаток, отсутствие compromise компромисс
to overcome преодолевать, превозмочь cluster группа, блок, совокупность, пакет
lightweight легкий public telephone exchange телефонная станция общего пользования
transceiver приемопередатчик register журнал записей, реестр
hexagonal шестиугольный to page зд.глагол сопровождать
to allocate предназначать, резервировать signal strength уровень сигнала

5.9. Read the text.

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