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Ex. 3. Read and decide which response should follow the patient's question.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 343.

Ex. 1. Ask for advice in case you need some medical assistance.


Part A

Lesson 2

Topic for Communication: Medical services

Grammar Focus:

Language Use:Asking about health. Answering about health


Model: – Sorry to trouble you, but I have some problems with my stomach. What can I do?

– Take a pill of… . If you are not better, consult the doctor..

have temperature catch cold twist my ankle have a heart attack it hurts me to move my eyes itch my ear aches my tooth aches have a high blood pressure be allergic to … feel sick suffer from

Solution to the problem:

take some pain killer/antibiotics

apply this spray

stay in bed for a couple of days

take hot lemonade

rub this ointment


1) I have a sore throat and my tonsils are inflamed. Do you think it could be flu?   2) I've been suffering from insomnia lately. Do you think I might be heading for a nervous breakdown? 3) My friend is in bed with a heavy cold and headache. How can I help her? 4) I've twisted my ankle. The pain is very sharp. Is it possible that I have broken or sprained my leg? 5) Sally is very pale and anaemic but she has no complaints. What would you advice her?   6) My child has a rash in his chest. Do you think it could be a skin disease?   7) I'm short of breath. Is there any way I could be suffering from asthma?   a) Not necessary. But I'll prescribe some sleeping pills – to help you get a good night's rest. b) Well, sounds a bit like it. I'll make you out a prescription for some antibiotics and sprays. c) You'll have to go to hospital for an X-ray. Now keep it in bandage for a time. d) It's just possible. I'll strap it up anyway and put it in a sling. That should reduce your discomfort a lot. e) Give her half an aspirin. Some painkillers will also ease the pain. If she is not better consult a doctor. f) She must follow the diet, take more exercise in the fresh air. Apart from that I'll give her some vitamin pills. g) I should think so. Some menthol inhalations might also speed up the recovery. Make a test of your heart as well.

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