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Unit MODERN TOURISMDate: 2015-10-07; view: 441. Exercises for translation 1.Read the text aloud to feel its rhythm. 2. Study the vocabulary of the text and decide upon possible substitutes for fantasy words. 3. Analyze the structure and meaning of the proper names to find functional substitutes for them in Russian. 4. Work on the sounding of the proper names of the participants of the Council and look for Russian equivalents. • Translate the text as a whole and edit your translation, following the procedure of evaluating its comparative rhythmic pattern. • Discuss the results.
Lead-in. 1 a). Skim(ïîâåðõíîñòíî çíàêîìèòüñÿ ( ñ ÷åì-ë. ), áåãëî ïðîñìàòðèâàòü)the following texts. What unites them? What question is answered? ►“A few years ago I was going through the process of splitting up with my first serious girlfriend… I realized that I was dangerously close to losing my head. I biked over to my dad's flat and emotionally blackmailed (øàíòàæèðîâàòü; âûìîãàòü äåíüãè) him into lending me enough cash to leave the country. On that trip I learned something very important. Escape through travel works. Almost from the moment I boarded (âñõîäèòü íà áîðò)my flight, life in England became meaningless. Seat-belt signs lit up (îñâåùåííûé), problems switched off. Broken armrests (ïîäëîêîòíèê) took precedence (ïðåâîñõîäèòü ïî âàæíîñòè) over broken hearts”. – A. Garland “The Beach.” ►“I grew up pretty sheltered (1) óêðûòûé, ïðèêðûòûé; óåäèíåííûé) so wanted to see more of the world after I graduated college. After my first backpacking adventure (òóðèñòè÷åñêèé ïîõîä) I was hooked(ïîäñåë?)! Now I try to go on at least one big trip every year.” – Michael ►“To re-evaluate direction in life, make a career break, learn about the world and become better global citizens, bond (áûòü êðåïêèì, ïðî÷íûì) as a family & “roadschool” the kids, and experience a stripped-down (äåø¸âàÿ?) nomadic life (áðîäÿ÷àÿ æèçíü) to greater appreciate our regular non-travelling lives.” – Sara Lavender Smith ►“I have an insatiable (íåíàñûòíûé) appetite for new experiences – aka (also known as?), I'm easily bored and have a short attention span (îáú¸ì âíèìàíèÿ). It is not enough for me to see pictures of monuments, natural wonders and new landscapes. I want to touch, breathe, smell, feel everything there is to experience in the world. I love how it opens my mind and how nothing is ever quite as it looked in the picture. I love new people too, and their stories.” – Penny.