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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 432.

Overcrowded переполненный?

How do you choose destinations for you trips? What things do you take into account?

Uluru, Australia

Massive, monolithic Uluru is embedded in the remote Australian outback (малонаселенная, необжитая местность) and drawshundreds of visitors at dawn and dusk (рассвет/сумерки) to watch the rock's colours magically change with the rising and setting of the sun. Some people choose to scale (подниматься, взбираться) this sandstone giant even though the rock's custodians[1] (хранители?), the Anangu people, ask visitors to keep their feet on the ground out of respect for Aboriginal spiritual beliefs. A more respectful way of exploring enigmatic Uluru is to circumnavigate (плавать вокруг) it via the Base Walk, a 9.5km trail that often allows you a little solitude (уединение). Rise above the masses with a 15-minute helicopter ride over Uluru. It costs AU$120 per person; details are at www.uluru.com.

Are you likely to visit places which are:

affordable по средствам remote далекий, отдаленный underrated недооценивать, преуменьшать overrated переоцененный, перехваленный

expensive дорогостоящий middle of nowhere безлюдное место offbeat замечательный, выдающийся, поразительный kitschy вульгарный, пустой


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