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Ex.7. Complete the sentences using the noun in brackets in the singular or plural.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 437.

Ex.6. Complete the sentences using the noun in brackets in the plural form.

1. Please cut this melon in two ________ (half).

2. King Henry VIII had six ________ (wife).

3. The ________ (thief) broke into the house without attracting attention of ________ (passer-by).

4. Shakespearean ________ (hero) are generally the victims of circumstance.

5. The police called for _______ (eyewitness) to come forward and give evidence.

6. Many teachers in schools are ________ (woman) but some are________ (man).

7. Victor fell off his bicycle and broke two ________ (tooth).

8. These shoes are too small: my ________ (foot) hurt.

9. Many kinds of ________ (sheep) are raised for the wool, meat, milk, and skin.

10. The eyes are sometimes ________ (index) of character.

11. He agreed that these were strange ________ (phenomenon).

12. We cannot proceed on such unlikely ________ (hypothesis).

13. He wished to place certain ________ (memorandum) before the committee.

14. Television and newspapers are mass ________ (medium) of information.

15. I like different flowers, especially ________ (forget-me-not).


1. It is easy when we are in prosperity to give (advice) __________ to the afflicted.(Aeschylus)

2. Abundance of (knowledge)__________ does not teach men to be wise. (Heraclitus)

3. Wise (man) __________ talk because they have something to say. (Fool) __________ talk because they have to say something. (Plato)

4. I don't believe in (miracle) __________ . I rely on them.(Unknown)

5. To repeat what others have said requires education, to challenge itrequires (brain) __________ (Mary Pettibone Poole)

6. The big (thief) __________ hang the little ones. (Czech proverb)

7. (Mathematics) __________ is the queen of the sciences. (Carl Friedrich Gauss)

8. Greedy eaters dig their graves with their (tooth) __________ . (French proverb)

9. One kind word can warm three winter (month) __________ . (Japanese proverb)

10. Democracy must be something more than two (wolf) __________ and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. (James Bovard)

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Ex.5. Read the sentences. Write all the nouns in four groups: countable singular (C), countable plural (CP), uncountable singular (U) or uncountable plural (UP). | Ex.9.Choose the correct word and explain your choice.
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