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Ex.12. Correct the mistakes if any.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 439.

Ex.11. Complete the following text by choosing the sutable alternative to each noun.

Ex.10. Choose the correct verb according to the noun form (singular or plural).

1. Twenty hrivnias (seem, seems) a fair price.

2. A hundred dollars (is, are) a lot of money.

3. The news (is, are) wonderful.

4. Their wages (is, are) high.

5. His trousers (is, are) a bit short.

6. Politics (is, are) interesting for everyone nowadays.

7. Darts (is, are) a game played in British pubs.

8. Her clothes (is, are) luxurious.

9. Linguistics (has, have) developed rapidly in modern times.

10. A reward of $500 (has, have) been offered for his article.

11. The Times (has, have) a half-inch front page article.

12. The police (is, are) investigating this theft.

13. Your advice (was, were) very useful.

14. Your hypothesis (is, are) very interesting.

15. The fruit (was, were) fresh.

1. Every year/years the company publishes its annual account/accounts in a report for the shareholder/shareholders.

2. The main detail/details concern the financial report.

3. It contains information/informations about sale/sales, turnover/turnovers, cost/costs and profit/profits.

4. The document also reports the asset/assets that are held by the company, and the liability/liabilities.

5. These ones are any debt/debts or cash/cashes that the company owes.

6. All this data/datas is presented in the profit and loss/profits and losses account and the balance sheet.

1. The informations you need is in the post.

2. There's three hundred people coming to take part in the conference.

3. The company's headquarters is in Kyiv.

4. We have had a lot of troubles with this equipment.

5. This company makes good quality furnitures.

6. The travel agency gave very useful advices.

7. The premises was built in 2001.

8. Economics are interesting.

9. The news are very surprising.

10. This is an expensive equipment.

11. People you don't know are not a big, amorphous crowds of strangers.

12. When you introduce yourself by saying your own names, don't use your title.

13. If another persons is introducing you, just make eye contact and offer to shake hands when you are being introduced.

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Ex.9.Choose the correct word and explain your choice. | Ex.14. Translate into English.
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