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Ex.18.Make compound nouns from the following words.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 425.

Ex.16. Give the masculine of the following nouns.

Ex.15. Give the feminine of the following nouns.

Host, prince, male, actor, son, bull, heir, bachelor, emperor, steward, monk, gentleman, duke, gander, sir, earl, lion, husband, nephew, stallion, bridegroom, hero, king, drake, stepfather, god, tiger, boy-friend, boar, father-in-law, barman, landlord, cock, count, salesman, prince, uncle, policeman, conductor.

Landlady, doe, policewoman, queen, nun, barmaid, ewe, countess, heroine, mother, empress, leopardess, conductress, niece, sow, manageress, aunt, duchess, queen, widow, hostess, actress, stewardess, waitress.

Ex.17. Rewrite the following phrases as compound nouns (remember that the first noun is normally in the singular).

1. a holiday which lasts 3 days

2. a report on an accident

3. a court of law

4. a licence to export

5. research into the market

6. a person who pays taxes

7. the manager responsible for sales

8. a publisher of newspapers

9. the launch of the product

10. the campaign of advertising

11. information about products

12. list of prices

13. services for customers

14. message by telephone

15. a person who holds shares

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Ex.14. Translate into English. | Ex.22. Complete the sentences according to the following information.
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