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A Confession

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 946.

A What is the worst thing you have ever done?

While you are considering this listen to the tape. What childish prank is described here?

Have you ever been engaged in any of such activities?


B Look at this list of actions. Have you done any of them? Would you do any of them? How serious do you consider them to be?


1. jumping the traffic lights

2. stealing from your room-mates

3. shoplifting

4. travelling on public transport without paying the fare

5. leaving a restaurant without paying

6. giving away your friend's secret

7. exceeding the speed limit when driving

8. failing to stop after an accident

9. drinking and driving

10. selling things which have serious defects

11. bribing

12. playing dirty tricks on somebody you envy

13. giving false evidence in order to clear your name

14. cheating on your partner

15. lying to your parents


C The general metaphor of Moral Accounting is realized in a small number of basic moral schemes: Altruism, Restitution, Retribution, Turning the Other Cheek, Reciprocation, and Revenge. Can you match these schemes with their interpretations given below?


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