You are going to hear a talk between John Martin and the first applicant for the job. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.
| Lately Harper & Grant Ltd. haven't been too pleased with the results of a firm of advertising agents which handles their account and they are thinking of giving their account to another agency.
| John Martin admitted that they plan to increase advertising quite considerably.
| The new advertising manager will be responsible to Mr. Grant for all advertising and to John Martin for public relations.
| The new ad man would be responsible for getting leaflets, brochures and catalogues designed while Hector Grant would brief the advertising agency on the kind of advertising campaign he wants.
| Harper & Grant Ltd. advertise only in the national Press.
| John Martin doesn't think television is a suitable medium for his firm because it's much too expensive.
| Only in the chairs produced by Harper & Grant Ltd. the back is properly supported, and a person feels full of energy.
| John Martin doesn't have to tell Mr. Windsmore that Harper & Grant Ltd. are not planning to go into television.
| Mr. Windsmore has been doing a lot of television work lately and it interests him enormously.
| The job of an advertising manager in Harper & Grant Ltd. is hardly the right job for Mr. Windsmore.