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Match the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Fill in the grid below.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 373.

Exercise 5

Act as an interpreter.

Exercise 4

John: I don't mind telling you you're quite high on my list, but ...
Джоанна Харви: Но вы предпочли бы мужчину?
John:   (Later) No. I was going to say ... If only I can convince our Managing Director. I'll do my best.
Питер Вайлз: Не могу поверить этому, Джон! Ты имеешь ввиду, что шеф действительно назначил девчонку? Фантастика! Как тебе удалось его убедить?
John: I didn't, Peter. She persuaded him herself. He saw the two best candidates, and the girl got the job.
Питер: Превосходно! Не могу дождаться встречи с ней. Я бы сказал, фирма становится современнее.
1. to advertise A A person who is in charge of a firm's campaign to make itself known to the public
2. advertisements B Everything which concerns the contact a firm makes with the general public or with individuals who may promote their business in some way
3. advertising manager C Someone who applies for something, usually a job
4. advertising campaign D A person in an advertising agency who looks after the affairs of one particular firm or client (called an account)
5. public relations E To make known the goods or services you provide
6. applicant F Someone whose job is to invent or visualise an idea for a good advertisement
7. short list G When offering a new job, most firms select from the total number of applicants a small number who they think have the best qualifications on paper. Their names are put on a short list and they are subsequently interviewed.
8. layout H The publicity material
9. visualiser I When anything is to be printed it is customary for the printer to prepare a specimen copy first so that his client may examine it for possible errors. This copy is called a proof.
10. an account executive J The whole plan of advertising for a particular product, usually planned a year in advance
11. to check proofs K The arrangement of material in an advertisement, i.e. where the photograph, or drawing, is put in relation to the words or copy
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


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Listen to the following extract from the recording which shows how the situation progressed. Try to complete the gaps, using no more than three words in each case. | PRE-LISTENING
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