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Random lecture
Match the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Fill in the grid below.
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 373.
Exercise 5
Act as an interpreter.
Exercise 4
| I don't mind telling you you're quite high on my list, but ...
| Джоанна Харви:
| Но вы предпочли бы мужчину?
| John:
| No. I was going to say ... If only I can convince our Managing Director. I'll do my best.
| Питер Вайлз:
| Не могу поверить этому, Джон! Ты имеешь ввиду, что шеф действительно назначил девчонку? Фантастика! Как тебе удалось его убедить?
| John:
| I didn't, Peter. She persuaded him herself. He saw the two best candidates, and the girl got the job.
| Питер:
| Превосходно! Не могу дождаться встречи с ней. Я бы сказал, фирма становится современнее.
| 1.
| to advertise
| A
| A person who is in charge of a firm's campaign to make itself known to the public
| 2.
| advertisements
| B
| Everything which concerns the contact a firm makes with the general public or with individuals who may promote their business in some way
| 3.
| advertising manager
| C
| Someone who applies for something, usually a job
| 4.
| advertising campaign
| D
| A person in an advertising agency who looks after the affairs of one particular firm or client (called an account)
| 5.
| public relations
| E
| To make known the goods or services you provide
| 6.
| applicant
| F
| Someone whose job is to invent or visualise an idea for a good advertisement
| 7.
| short list
| G
| When offering a new job, most firms select from the total number of applicants a small number who they think have the best qualifications on paper. Their names are put on a short list and they are subsequently interviewed.
| 8.
| layout
| H
| The publicity material
| 9.
| visualiser
| I
| When anything is to be printed it is customary for the printer to prepare a specimen copy first so that his client may examine it for possible errors. This copy is called a proof.
| 10.
| an account executive
| J
| The whole plan of advertising for a particular product, usually planned a year in advance
| 11.
| to check proofs
| K
| The arrangement of material in an advertisement, i.e. where the photograph, or drawing, is put in relation to the words or copy
| 1.
| 2.
| 3.
| 4.
| 5.
| 6.
| 7.
| 8.
| 9.
| 10.
| 11.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |