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Match the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Fill in the grid below.
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 413.
Exercise 5
Act as an interpreter.
| «10 часов утра. Директор-распорядитель прибывает в офис. Обнаруживает, что почта рассортирована неправильно. Двумя письмами должны заниматься другие сотрудники. Чтобы ответить на одно из писем, необходимо было сослаться на предыдущее, а его в папке не оказалось. Ежедневника под рукой тоже не оказалось. Из-за этого произошла заминка и путаница с договоренностью по телефону о встрече, а секретаря в тот момент в кабинете не было, так как она искала пропавшее письмо».
| Grant:
| Well, really! Do your methods usually include listening to private conversations through open doors?
| Скотт:
| Нет. Но в этот раз я не смог удержаться. Наша работа, мистер Грант, состоит в том, чтобы наблюдать и объективно докладывать о своих наблюдениях.
| Grant:
| I see. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Scott, for your report, and I look forward to studying it carefully. But as to ...
| Скотт:
| … что касается того, чтобы включить (в счет) доклад об организации у вас менеджмента …?
| Grant:
| I hadn't bargained for that, you know. I shall have to think about it. Hm, yes,I don't quite like the idea of being told how to run my own business, but ... well, I'll let you know, Mr. Scott. Good morning.
| 1.
| productivity
| A
| the detailed study of manual, or semi-manual, work, so that non-essential work can be eliminated and operations carried out with maximum efficiency
| 2.
| work study
| B
| a bonus plan. An incentive is offered to encourage employees to work harder, and more efficiently.
| 3.
| Critical Path Analysis (C.P.A.)
| C
| someone who examines something in detail, (an employee of the firm of consultants who investigates the different jobs done by different workers)
| 4.
| consultants
| D
| method of planning the undertaking of a complex project in a logical way, by analysing the project into its component parts, and recording them on a diagram which is then used for planning and controlling the activities which carry the project to completion
| 5.
| operator
| E
| to pay a workman according to the work done, not by the time taken to do it
| 6.
| a sample study
| F
| here, another word for a worker, particularly someone who operates a machine
| 7.
| investigator
| G
| the rate at which goods are produced
| 8.
| A survey
| H
| professional business experts who, for a fee, advise clients on aspects of their business. (In this case the firm are specialists in Organisation and Methods)
| 9.
| incentive payments scheme
| I
| a plan for giving extra money to workers in certain circumstances. In this case they will receive a bonus if their production rises.
| 10.
| to pay piece rates
| J
| an analysis covering all aspects of a subject. It can apply to the actual work of investigation or the final written report.
| 11.
| a bonus scheme
| K
| an investigation of a specimen, a part of something which shows what the whole is like
| 1.
| 2.
| 3.
| 4.
| 5.
| 6.
| 7.
| 8.
| 9.
| 10.
| 11.
| |
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