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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 437.

Are these statements true or false?

Comprehension Check

  1. No other stage in the life cycle provokes as much questions and debate as youth.
  2. The word ‘turbulent' is perhaps the best to describe the average experience of teenagers.
  3. There are practically no challenges of adolescence.
  4. The university entry examinations are tough but very fair.
  5. Parents usually do not care about their child's fashion, friends and a girl/boy friend, hobbies, music, lifestyle and other things.
  6. At the age of adolescence people are socially responsible and psychologically mature.
  7. The period of adolescence lasts somewhere until the early 30ies when most of them usually settle down: they advance their careers, gainpromotions and raises, get stability in their personal lives and start a family.
  8. At the age of young adulthood people are entitled all adults' rights.
  9. Young adults become fully dependent on their parents or other relatives for support.
  10. The primary entertainment source for young adults is shopping.
  11. If they are students and fully supported by parents they may be free from daily winning of their bread.

  1. What are the major stages of human development?
  2. What is adolescence?
  3. Why is adolescence the most turbulent period?
  4. What are the problems that teenagers often run into?
  5. Why doesparents-children relationship at this age get sometimes tense?
  6. What is young adulthood? How is it different from adolescence?
  7. Why has the age of young adulthood always been regarded to be the nicest period of human lives?
  8. What adults' rights are the young people entitled?
  9. How do they spend their leisure time?
  10. Do you really believe that the expectations of the young people are often illusionary?
  11. When do the young people usually settle down?


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Adolescence | Read the text and be ready to answer the questions that the interviewer asks using the information from the text.
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