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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 410.


1) What advantages do different periods of human life – childhood, youth, and adulthood – have?

2) Some people think that school years are the happiest days in people's lives. Can you say that you have been happy at school? Why?

3) Were you a problem child? Were there any in your grade? What did they do?

4) Would you like to stay young forever? Why?

5) What does adulthood mean for you?


1) Share memories of your childhood.

2) Share expectations of young childhood /adolescence.


Each stage of a person's life is characterized by a different psychological crisis that must be resolved before the person can successfully progress to the next stage. The success of each stage depends on how well the previous crisis was resolved. If a person does not resolve a crisis, it will continue to affect the person's development throughout life.

Have a “round table” discussion one of the eight successive development stages that psychologists point out and the conflict that must be resolved with a focus on the adolescent “identity crisis” which is the most significant crisis of human psychosocial development. Give some examples of teenagers struggling to define their own identity.


Stage Conflict
1. Infant Basic trust vs. basic distrust
2. Toddler Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
3. Preschooler/Early Childhood Initiative vs. guilt
4. School Age/Play Industry vs. inferiority
5. Adolescence Identity vs. role confusion
6. Young Adulthood Intimacy vs. isolation
7. Adulthood Generativity vs. stagnation
8. Old Age Ego integrity vs. despair

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