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Joys and Problems of the Modern Youth

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 416.

It is common knowledge that youth is the best time of your life, that being young means romance, love, new discoveries and so on. But youth is the time when a person is trying to find his or her place in the world. And during this search he or she comes across different specific youth problems which are as important as those of the adults.

In modern societies young adults encounter a number of issues when they finish school and take on responsibilities of adulthood.

Those who plan to hold full-time jobs may become desperateto find work as the rate of youth unemployment is staggering. They may also have an extreme difficulty in adapting to a workplace environment or tolerate a boss's displeasure, etc.


But even if you have already made your choice and are studying somewhere, you need some money of your own. Your parents will probably provide you with home, food and necessary clothes, but it's obvious that you have your own tastes, and your parents won't pay for them. To pay for extra clothes, tapes, books, things necessary for your hobbies, you have to work, and in our country it is very difficult for a young man to find a job. And then, in college, students have to spend all their time working hard to earn good gradesand graduate on time. However, after graduation many college graduates may not achieve a desirable standard of living.


Emotional problems for young people can be far more serious than financial ones. Youth is also a time to meet your first love. It is, of course, wonderful, but, as it is widely known that first love often has an unhappy end, this also increases young people's problems. Even friends can't always stay friends as old friends sometimes just go apart.

Then there is one more problem that has become very urgent nowadays. It's a problem of taking drugs. This is a relatively new problem but it is becoming more and more dangerous. Million young people today are using drugs, and most of them will die. Usually they want just to try it, then again and again… and after year may be two years they will die. But there are many ways of keeping away from this problem. One of them is organized sport, which changes young people's world-outlook and prevents them from the fatal temptation.

So, shortly after young people enter the "real world" they are often experiencing extreme insecurity, or career stagnation, or disillusionment in the world that happens to be much tougher, more competitive and less forgivingthan they have imagined. This may lead to the emotional distressand feeling of “a loser”.

Other people, however, are more optimistic and think that all stages of human life are full of conflicts that humans must resolve. Successful people usually do not get burned out by the concept of ‘problems', their actions are poweredby the ‘concept' of ‘opportunities.' Worrying, panic, upsetor anger reducesour capacity to deal with the problem.

Louis L'Amour, an American writer, in his novels Chancey marked: “There have always been hard times. There have always been wars and troubles – famine, disease and such like – and some folks are born with money, some with none. In the end it is up to the man what he becomes, and none of those other things matters. It is character that counts.”



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