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Ex.16. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 416.

Ex.15. Find the required information on the economy of the United Kingdom. Then, using the data, make a brief report.

Ex.14. Make a brief presentation of the company.

Ex.13. Someone is querying some invoices. Give them the information using the data below.

Ex.11. List your three biggest monthly expenses. Say how much you spend each month on rent, food, shopping, transportation, and/or entertainment.


Ex.12. Ask each member of your mini-group about their expenses. Compare group averages. You can start your questions in the following way:

A: Susan, how much do you spend on __________ (telephone, electricity, room payment, food, entertainment)?

B: Oh, I spend about __________ . What about you?

C: Nothing, I live with my parents but every month I spend _______ on _______.


e.g. Invoice number fifteen, dated December the seventeenth two thousand and eleven, is for five hundred and twenty six pounds, seventeen pence.

Invoice No. Date December 17th 2012 12th January 2013 Aug. 30th 2012 16.11.12 21st Feb.2012 Amount ₤526.17 ₤214.95 $1,387.86 ?2,545 ?10,275


Nike, Inc.

(founded in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports, officially became Nike, Inc. in 1978)

Main business activities Head office Revenue Net income Number of employees
Manufacture of sportswear and sports equipment Washington County, Oregon, US $19,2 billion (Fiscal Year) 2009) $1,49 bln (FY 2009) 30,200 worldwide



Labour force:

Unemployment rate:






External debt:

1. There were hundreds of people in the square.

2. Kenya is still paying off a multimillion-dollars loan to the IMF.

3. Two third of the field was under water.

4. Six hundred thousands people were left homeless after the earthquake.

5. Richard is on the top floor, in room eight hundred and two.

6. May I take your telephone number? – Certainly. It's two hundred and forty-five, sixty-five, double seven.

7. We expect a five and a half per cent wage increase.

8. This watch normally retails at sixty hundred pounds, but I got it for only three hundreds fifty-five.

9. They are firing almost quarter of the workforce.

10. The phone rang at half past four o'clock in the morning.

11. In the early thirty of the last century this hotel was very popular with tourists.

12. The city spent one million and two hundreds dollars for snow removal last year.

13. The company's profits rose by eleven per cents in the first quarter of the year.

14. A centimeter is about two-fives of an inch, or nought point three nine four inches to be exact.

15. Two per cents of the British population owned ninety per cent of the country's wealth in nineteen and ninety-two.


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Ex.9. Use the numbers as adjectives. Be attentive with all the necessary changes. | Ex.18. Translate into English. Write the numbers in words.
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